Convict Gobies Engineer a Prison Break

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
About 3 weeks ago I lost one of the two convict gobies which I've had since he helped cycle my tank. I noticed he was gone when I saw my maroon clown feeding it to the underilluminated and unhappy BTA. After a day or two of moarning his loss (ahem) I replaced him, so that the remaining convict would have a friend (they apear gragarious).
About a week later I re-aquascaped a little which meant the convicts would need to dig out some of their cave again. They didn't jump into the task immediately and dug just a little here and their. Now I haven't seen either of them for over a week. I'm sure they're not hiding and I'm wondering what might've happened to them. 3 dead in as many weeks when they have lived quite happily for the last 6 months, have shown good growth and activity and are reported of being perhaps one of the hardiest fish in the trade, often being the last fish left alive in a poorly maintained tank.
I'm wondering if my brittle star hasn't decended upon each of them as they slept. But then if he has, why hasn't he sooner. Perhaps they were well protected in their old home but were more accessable now. Convict and brittle all lived happily together for the past 4 months though. No other new additions - just the Arrow crab still growing at an alarming rate.
Any thoughts anyone? Tankmate list in signature.
HapPy THanKsgiVinG To YoU

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