convict just spawned


Large Fish
Mar 31, 2009
i have in my tank 2 albino oscars 3 chichlid convicts 1 plec 1 albino choco plec 1 tiger oscar the oscars r only 6 7 cm long and the tiger is about 5 cm will the oscars and plecs eat the baby convicts they have just spawned in the last 30 mins help please i want to keep the bies thanks

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
the convicts will be very territorial over the spawn but the chances are that they will dies soon enough from the pleco's or the oscars... Also I hope you have a huge tank... not only do you need one with those fish, but it'll help the babies chances.

Also the second sarcastic thread was pretty immature. A lot of people here work so if you don't get a response right away, suck it up and wait.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
A huge tank is needed for those fish alone, oscars will and do reach a foot in length, plecos (depending on the species) can reach 2ft and also grow territorial towards each other as they grow,

This type of set-up needs nothing less that 150 gallons to thrive in the long term IMO, there are a lot of potentially huge, potentially fairly aggressive fish in there.

As for the convicts, your parent convicts are going to become very territorial, especially when the eggs hatch. If anything I'd be worried about how the rest of your fish are going to get on with two aggressive spawning fish. It is unfortunately likely, as unwritten said, that your other fish will get the eggs or fry, especially when free-swimming.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Custom built tanks are a worthwhile investment because you can pretty much get exactly what you want, whereas with chains and brands you're often limited to a look if you want a certain size or limited to a size if you want a certain look. They can also be cheaper depending on the builder, but I wouldn't be surprised at a high price for a 250 gallon. Would love to see some pics when it arrives.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Look, breeding 101 says your not going to get much yield from a spawn in a community tank. If your serious about wanting to keep, and raise a spawn of convicts, you'll need to move them to there own tank. But before you do, you might want to think about what in the world you might do with them when they grow. It would be unlikely that a LFS would give money for any as they are so common, and it wouldn't be worth paying the shipping to try to ship them to an individual.

And throwing a tantrum isn't going to make people help, or want to help any faster than if you didn't. The internet is here to share information, not demand it from others. If we didn't want to help others, we wouldn't be here. If you think you need an answer and aren't getting a response on the forums, you can PM some members or the mods and we'll be happy to try to help as soon as we can. But like was already pointed out, jobs and family and all sorts of other things come first. Nobody gets paid to be on this website.

But in the big picture, if these fry don't make it, I don't think you'll be having to wait long for more. :)


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
It wouldn't help the cycle, bacteria clings on to hard surfaces so the water wouldn't contain much, your best bet is putting some of the filter media from your current filter into the new filter, and/or transferring some of the gravel over. You will need to have a source of ammonia though so the bacteria doesn't die, and make sure you dechlorinate the tap water you put in.