Convict Questions

Mar 9, 2008
My LFS is selling convict babies 2 for $1. I thinking of getting some, but I have questions.

1. Do they get large, I have 20gal tank will that be big enough?
2. Are the jumpers, I don't have a lid on the tank will that be a problem.
3. Will they get along w/ the fish already in the tank, check my sig for my stock.
4. Are they difficult to look after, I don't want to jump in way over my head for the first time trying cichlids.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
To me, a 20gal is fine for a pair, but only a pair and no other fish. Others say bigger. They have the potential to reach the 5-6" range.

All fish are jumpers to an extent. You shouldn't have a problem, but if i were you i'd look into covering the tank just incase.

No, the other fish would get killed most likely, especially if they pair up and especially in a small tank like this. The fish might be ok in something like a 50+ gal tank.

Convicts are a very easy cichlid to start with, as well as easy to breed. Just add water.