
Aug 23, 2005
bellaire, ohio
i have a male the same way. you have a nice big top fin on her, i never seen a female with a top fin like that before, usually just my males get the real long ones. im going to pick up his new home right now. he killed his female tankmate, when i found her he had eaten the whole one side of her face.

Nov 8, 2005
Yea she is so nasty..... She killed my male i got her 2 years ago for 1.99 at the pet store someone just dropped them off so the owner ( i know the owner employees and manager) gave them to me cheap theyve breed like 4 times but she ate the babys and then she chewed up the male so i seperated them and he died.....

and CMan i will get u some more pics tomorrow im tired had pssas for 16 periods in 2 days 8 outta 9 periods a day and so yea equals 16 periods of stressfull 5 paragraph essays and each period is 40 mins so thats 640 mins and im too lazy to change that to hours lol

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Aug 23, 2005
bellaire, ohio
i was looking at the pink convicts at pet supplies, and was going to geta new female for my black n white convict, but they seem a little harder to identify what are male and female. i couldnt really find any color on their belly like the black victs have. any other tell tale signs?