Convicts are getting ready

May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
I have had several convicts since fry and was looking to breed them. I found out of the 11 fry I got, only one is a female. After losing a couple I had 6 left in the tank and figured I would leave them all and let the female decide which male she wanted as her mate. Nothing happened for the longest time. I am not sure if the amount of fish in the tank detered two from pairing up but now that I have removed all but the two largest males and the female a pair has been established. The largest male has claimed his territory and the pair has been cleaning an area in the flower pot. The other male has no chance in survival, I have been trying to scoop him out to feed to my oscar but he is too quick for me and I don't want to mess with moving decor. Anyways to make a long story short a pair has been formed and breeding should begin soon.