Hey guys, as you may know I have a pair of convicts, now with fry. Im getting a good bit of brown algae now and I was wondering what type of algae eaters if any are compatible with my cons. The tank is a 10g and may be too small, but I will have a 55+ really soon.
Bristlenose plecs always solve my brown algae problems. Idk about in a 10gal, the cons might pick at the pleco...maybe something you'd just have to try.
The convicts would probably pick on most any other fish you can put in a 10 gallon, especially if they are protecting their fry. If you get a 55 Gallon the pleco will be able to stay out of the cons way, so you might just want to wait until you get a 55 Gallon to get anything else.
i have a 55 gal with 7 Cichlids and have had a couple diffrent pleco's with no problems, the only thing i noticed is when i first put the pleco's in the cichlids would follow em around, i think just to figure out what they were. After the first day they were fine though.
I think convicts are central american, not south, but anyway, you could try a Jack Dempsey, Firemouth, ect also, but if you already have grown Africans and you put a small central or southern, IMO it might not work out to well.
Thanks for the replies guys, going to wait on the pleco until I get my new tank. Going to get a 55 or bigger for the cons so I can add a few more tennants, also taking suggestions on what other CA Cichlids can go in. Or not just CA, just anything compatible, maybe a few jacks or green terrors? Ive had my eye on those. Also thinking of trying a few apistos in the 10g once I make the transfer. Whatcha think?