Cookie jar fish tank for my Betta "R-r-l-l-l-amone"


Small Fish
Jan 5, 2006
Markham, Ontario Canada

I have some java moss I was thinking about drapping the drift wood with, but I'm thinking maybe I can somehow have water trickle down the drift wood into the water surface to create like a slight churnning bubbling effect. I find it soothing while I watch my fish.

I have an extra pump I'm not sure how to put the water through a house and up and over the wood without taking even more room.

It's funny becasue there's a cavity through the drift wood that's just large enuf for Ramone to wiggle through. He sits in there to rest but half is body hangs out from either end. I'ts funny. I'll snapa pick if he does it again.


Small Fish
Jan 5, 2006
Markham, Ontario Canada
From the looks of it I think Ramone likes it. I've refrained from adding a plant so I avoided taking up more space. Maybe I'll do a fish swap and eventually but for now I'll keep him where he is. He's making bubble nests so that's good right, that means he's happy right?


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Yeah, he's happy if he's making bubble nests. Go get some java moss and tie it to the driftwood; it's good for the water quality, I believe, and my betta seems to like having it in his home.
And I wouldn't do any "water bubbly effect"; bettas like calm water best.