Cooling Fan Set-Up

I wanna hear some opinions on this set-up. I'm going to pick up two clip on fans tomorrow after work, and until I get the temp-controller, I was thinking about plugging them into the timer for the lights.

I don't think it's the outside temperature giving me a problem, because the room is at a constant 73 from an AC. If I'm right, then it's only the lights heating the water. I am also going to raise the lights to approx 9in above the water with some more wood.

Anyone who uses fans, is there anything else I need to know?

Okay, so I got two very similiar fans to yours Cichlid-Man, and rigged them up as best I could on each end of the tank... the set-up will change once I decide what to do about raising the lights (I may be building my own hood this weekend.. oh joy!)

So right now, I have one timed to go on with the actinics on low, and then one to go on with the MH's on high. So both will run when the MH's are on. Once I get my temperature controller, the ywill both be controlled by that, which should end my problem (hopefully), especially once the light is raised above the tank.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Making a hood and enclosing the MH may cause you more heat problems. Some people put just a trim around the front and sides of the tank for looks, but leave the top and back open.

Also, make sure you have plenty of surface agitation to help remove the heat from the water.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Not sure how your MH fixture can hang (Mine has 2 holes on either side i could run wires through) but if possible you could get some type of pipes from Lowe's/HD and anchor them in the back and run them over the back to ontop of the tank and hold it that way. So it doesn't obstruct vewing from the sides.

Same sort of manner this guy did. New 4G Pico - Forums

Of course then you need to find somewhere to clip on the fans and what not. Just trying to throw ideas out there, maybe it will spark something.

Well I slept all day, but when I woke up, the MH's had just gone off and the temp was between 78-80! I'm gonna give it a few more days to make sure, but I might be out of the woods. It did evaporate a decent amount of water... I'm going to have to add every 3 days now. I'm also going to change the timing on the fans so that they both go on with the MH's.