Copepod propagation


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Hey folks!

This would probably get me flamed badly on most of the other reef sites - so I'll ask here (since you guys know me better than they do)

The LPS has a mandarin goby, which I've seen (I fed him myself) eat frozen mysis. I _WANT_ this fish; but I know these guys need a LOT of copepods to survive. And I don't want to risk just keeping him on frozen mysis - as stock up here can vary, and he may not get proper nutrition from the frozen mysis.

I've got a 29g setup for about 6 months in the garage, with about 35lbs of live rock, cleanup crew consisting of blue legged hermits, nassarius snails, some turbos and a couple peppermint shrimp. The copepod population in it is astronomical. It was meant to get a flame angel - but I have yet to find one that I found 'acceptable' for "my" tank.

If I added a big HOB filter (AC500 probably) with a seeding of LS/LR rubble from my curing trough (full of copepods) then added a 20g fuge with the same - could I supply enough pods to keep him happy?

Then the ugly question - could I add the flame angel later after the tank settles again?



Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
I think that your set-up would be fine. You have planned out well and your set-up will have an abundance of copepods to munch on. He also eats mysis which is an additional plus. You could also add a Flame angel. I don't think it would even notice the mandarin goby. Just make sure the mandarin is getting enough food annd you should be fine.

Sam Reef
90 Gallon FOWLR Marine Aquarium
20 Gallon Reef
10 Gallon Reef
10 Gallon Marine Aquarium
20 Gallon Freshwater Planted Aquarium


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
At lest you've got a plan. I think the addition of a refugium makes a difference for you. Do you have it yet? I would say try it, but don't wait to get going with the refugium. Try seagrass in the refugium as that's a very good home for pods.
Good resource for refugia is Calfo and Fenners newest book - Natural Reef Aquaria (?) volume 1.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
The mandarin dragonette is now here in my care... I've hardly seen hide nor hair of him since introduction - my rockwork provides a little too much cover and he's putting it to VERY good use.

At lights-on this morning after almost 2 days in the tank - the pod population definitely appeared to be significantly lower than usual. So I have a feeling he's enjoying his new hunting grounds.

Working on getting some sort of algae for the refugium, but I may completely overhaul it first - thinking a hang on back style would work much better for transfering the copepods into the main tank over my current syphon system... (tho I've never had a problem with it - could also avoid water on floor issues). Will need to re-evaluate after we move next week and decide what to do...

Debating on what fish to add to the tank - so many choices - so hard to choose... I'm thinking the flame angel is out - really needs more room to swim than the 29 allows... So I'm looking for something else.



Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
You could keep a Flame Angel in a 29 gallon aquarium. As they only reach 4 inches in captivity. If anything, the reason they are recommended for a bigger tank, is their tendency to pick on tank mates. Your mandarin is a perfect tankmate because, he stays on the bottom of the tank, eats different food, is a different shape and color. I personally would add the Flame Angel. He would make a spectacular display.

Sam Reef