Hello I love this site good advice is always great to have. also talking to people all with the same hobby and interest is something which makes it so much better. I have a question I would appreciate somebody helping me with. I was wanting to know if you can use a protein skimmer while useing copper. I have been treating with copper for about a week and a half. I have a prizim protein skimmer on a 55 gal with a huma huma trigger, maroon clown, and a foxface for now. I had a blue hippo tang that infected the tank with ich. (nasty stuff) the fish is out but I want to make sure I kill off any ich left in there. I heard that you can use copper year round on a daily basis. I have mixed feelings about this I am sure that eventually they would get copper poisining. Any help would be great thank you
huma huma
huma huma