copper question


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Hello I love this site good advice is always great to have.  also talking to people all with the same hobby and interest is something which makes it so much better. I have a question I would appreciate somebody helping me with.  I was wanting to know if you can use a protein skimmer while useing copper.  I have been treating with copper for about a week and a half.  I have a prizim protein skimmer on a 55 gal with a huma huma trigger, maroon clown, and a foxface for now. I had a blue hippo tang that infected the tank with ich. (nasty stuff) the fish is out but I want to make sure I kill off any ich left in there. I heard that you can use copper year round on a daily basis. I have mixed feelings about this I am sure that eventually they would get copper poisining.  Any help would be great thank you
huma huma


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
A protein skimmer will not remove inorganics such as copper.  So I would leave it on considering poor water chemistry might be a particular cause of stress and ich.  Furthermore, the skimmer will provide oxygenation at this time.

If you do use copper, most if not all of your inverts will die such as snails, shrimps, corals.  If the tank has been subjected to copper, then you cannot use this tank or the live rock in the future for a reef setup.

Some fish are sensitive to copper from what I have read and others have resorted to hyposalinity or UV to help with the ich in a fish only system.

I believe certain industries do use a copper level of around .15 ppm as preventative measures?  But copper could be cumulative and depending on the fish you have, it might not able to tolerate.  

I am however, uncertain when it gets "too toxic" but it probably says it on the copper test measurements. ;D