Coral Beauty


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
If someone told you that they had a Coral Beauty that seems to have bowel problems because it is pooping everytime you look at it, what would you say?

(This is not my coral beauty either, it's my dads)

I was over his house on Saturday and this fish must have had 15 inches of poo collectively come out. Then everytime I talked to my dad he said 5 more inches came out.

The fish is otherwise extremely healthy looking, swims around and has a great personality. Wondering if it could be a internal parasite problem? Or are these fish known to be big poopers? He swears he doesn't overfeed and none of the other fish poo as much. I don't know that feeds it enough veggie matter....could this cause lots of pooping?

Edit: LOL! Here is the email he JUST sent me "No **** my Coral Beauty is crapping again. It's already 2 inches. That's another 7 inches for the day, and two days without food. I think I need to give it some Fleet!"

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Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
I tried doi ng some research on it but couldnt come up with too much on the topic (had to type some interesting phrases into google)

My first response would be what size tank is it and what other fish are in the tank. Seconly Paramaters (Im not sure if stess would play a role in this {not saying he is stressed but just throwing out questions})

I would venture to guess that it could very well be lack of veggie in his diet if he is not getting sufficent green in his diet. My coral beauty loved algae sheets and never had any incidents like this.

Besides the extra long excretions is he other wise perfectly normal?


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Yep...seems to be otherwise healthy.

I brought him over some Formula 2 veggie pellets and some of the Formula Dwarf Angel Entree or whatever it's called last night and told him to feed sparingly until he notices it stop pooping so much. I think he is secretly overfeeding which might be the cause of some of his other problems.

It's a 55gal w/ 10gal sump and 10gal fuge. He's got (alot of fish) the CB, a Gold Rim tang (which is a super cool fish) a maroon clown and a yellow damsel. Not sure what kind of damsel, it's completely a bright yellow. And he just got rid of a black and white striped damsel because I kept telling him he had too many fish. He's had these damsels forever and they are HUGE!

Parameters......His Ammonia and Nitrite are zero...his nitrate test kit says zero.....but he's having cyano problems. He keeps his SG at 1.024. His Ca and Mg are good - 450ish/1350ish. Not sure on Ph and Alk - but they are within acceptable values.

I'm not exaggerating when I say it goes at least 15 inches a day....:eek:

He was feeding mostly mysis and a Omega Flake product. I told him no more flake and to alternate the mysis with the veggie food that I brought over.

One other thing to is possibly stress related because we made some changes to the tank.....but the poo problem has been going on for a couple months now before we did anything.

On Sunday, we cleaned and rearranged the rock work and swapped out the substrate. He had icky crushed coral and we put in sand. We removed the fish to a 37gal tank while this was going on and were very gentle...didn't chase them around, etc. So there was minimal physical stress on the fish.
Since we added the sand Sunday and I was over there last night there are huge quantity of poops on the sand already.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i wouldnt think anything would cause him to crap if hes not eating.... fish can go a while without eating like a few weeks so dont feed him for a few days and see what happens if hes still doing it wait another day and see... thats what i would do anyways