Coral problems

Jul 12, 2009
I know I have titled this coral problems but there are a couple of other things I need to ask about also...

I have recently had whitespot on my clownfish which I treated with cuprazin (which the fish shop bloke said was ok to use with corals) now I've been told corals aren't too keen on this... As I have seen my yellow polyps have sunk in and not come out for a few days so far... Also my toadstool mushrooms are starting to become yellowy - green on the stalks of the coral... Is this normal or are they dying? I am doing daily small water changes with RO water and I have put a new carbon bag in the tank today hoping this will clear the treatment from the water. Is there anything else I can do to help this along? I also put some snails in the other day 6 of them and they are all shrivelled into their shells and do not move... Are they dead or are they getting used to the tank? I took my water to be tested at my LFS and they said its perfectly fine.

Thanks =)


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Assuming Cuprazin is a copper-based medication, it may kill off all your corals and snails. Does the bottle say it's reef-safe? Usually, you need to treat the fish outside the main tank, in a hospital tank, and leave the main tank without fish for 6 to 8 weeks.

Jul 12, 2009
I knew I should of come on here before I used this stuff.... Well yeh the bottle did say reef safe for corals and everything.. The thing is the 6 snails that I put in my tank are lifeless but there was already 3 in there which are still fine so I dont know if this changes anything? I don't have enough money for a hospital tank =( Is there no other ways than the ones I've mentioned to help the corals along?

Jul 12, 2009
Well the majority of my corals are fine, my yellow polyps also are coming out more now than they were last week. I'm going to let the carbon pad I have in my tank filter through for a week or so and then put a fresh one in.