Coralline algae in a freshwater tank???


New Fish
Nov 26, 2008
Elgin, IL
I have a 30g Cichlid tank that has been set up for a few months now. I've always wanted a saltwater tank, but was never able to pull the trigger due to high startup costs. So, I did the next best thing. I set up a freshwater Cichlid tank and decorated it to LOOK like a saltwater tank. It has two Tretocephalus Cichlids, two Electric Yellow Labs, and a pleco. They all get along pretty well, considering, although one of the Tretos likes to chase the other fish sometimes. I used crushed coral substrate and Texas limestone. The Ph is high and the water is hard with measured additions of marine salt, baking soda, and magnesium sulphate at each water change. The water clarity is crystal clear. The tank is decorated with faux anemone and coral.

Anyway, here is my question. Is it possible for coralline algae to grow in a freshwater tank? On one of my faux saltwater decorations, there is what appears to be purple coralline algae growing on some of the rubbery tentacles of the faux anemone. I will attempt to attach photos for your review.

I searched the forums for anything regarding the subject of coralline algae in freshwater, but came up blank. I know it is probably a far-fetched notion to think I may have coralline algae growing in my FW tank, but I have no idea what this is. Anyone have a clue???

TIA - Robb



Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
So I do remember reading that there are species of calcifying algae that can live in fresh/brackish water but that's all I know. I know this much though... I've never heard of it in an aquarium. Have you felt it at all? Does it appear to be hard?

Just wondering, would you be able to post some test results? Specificly:
kH (True Alkalinity preferably ie; meq/L)
Specific Gravity
And on the off chance you can (maybe a good marine LFS could for you)

Thanks, and Welcome! :)


New Fish
Nov 26, 2008
Elgin, IL
Well, I've never had a reason to own any marine water tests. So, I cannot provide specific gravity, calcium or magnesium readings. I will try to get a sample into my LFS one of these days and see what comes of it. Below are the results of the few water tests I do have:

11/27/2008 @ 8:30 am
Temp: 81.9 F
PH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrites: 0 ppm
Nitrates: 10-20 ppm
Phosphate: 0 ppm
KH: 8 degrees or 143 ppm

I have a test for General Hardness, but either my GH is off-the-charts high, or my GH test is too old and no longer works. After squeezing 90 drops (that's right, 90!) of solution into my test tube of water and seeing no change in color (from yellow/orange to green endpoint), I just gave up. Actually, I didn't give up. I tried the test two more times with the same result. Could my GH really be that high? Or should I just assume my test has expired?

Other info on my tank:
I perform a 5G water change every week. The water I use for my WC has been aerated, heated, and agitated using an air pump, aquarium heater, and submersible pump for 1-2 days in a clean 5G bucket. With each 5G WC, the only items I add to my WC water are <5mL of water conditioner, 1 Tbsp Magnesium Sulfate, 1 tsp Sodium Bicarbonate, and 1 tsp Instant Ocean marine salt.

Any more thoughts on my tank and the possibility of coralline algae (or whatever it is)?

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New Fish
Nov 26, 2008
Elgin, IL
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I did touch the algae and it feels kind of hard and scaly. I didn't want to touch it too much or too hard because it started flaking off. If there is any possibility this stuff really is coralline algae (as unlikely as that is), I want to let it grow. I just hope it attaches to and grows over my rocks in my tank. That would look great!


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Thanks, the tests are more for interest sake, just to see if the water would (theoreticly) support normal coralline growth.

lol, yeah, with what you are adding to your water changes your GH will be extremely high. Don't worry about it but if you want to check the test kit, test your tap water and perhaps some distilled water (most pharmacies should sell it for cheap).

So far, it sounds like it could be :). When you get down to it, algae of many types grows basically everywhere on this planet... Even on trees (lichen's have symbiotic algae) so "coralline" in a freshwater isn't too much of a streach :). I'll do a bit of digging in the next few days, see if I can find the original artical/paper I read.

So it was kinda funny, while I was looking for some ideas for something else last night I did read about another referance to calcifying algae in freshwater. A River Runs Through It &mdash; Loaches Online
It's in the "stocking" section of the artical.



New Fish
Nov 26, 2008
Elgin, IL
Well, it has not moved to any of my rocks yet, but it is still growing and spreading on the rubbery parts of the decor. On the off chance that it might be coralline algae, I added an actinic blue PC bulb since the blue is supposed to encourage coralline algae growth. Let's see how it works!


New Fish
Nov 26, 2008
Elgin, IL
Thanks for your input, Chris. I really appreciate it. I'm kind of surprised no one else has chimed in with thoughts or opinions on this subject. I was actually afraid/nervous to post a question with this topic for fear of looking stupid and getting flamed!

I've tried scouring the 'net for any info on the possibility of coralline algae growing in a FW tank. There's next to nothing out there on the subject. I don't know if that is because no one else has asked this question or if no one else has ever had possible coralline algae growth in their FW tank or if everyone just assumes that it is impossible so no one has ever looked for it or tried to grow it in FW. I would think that IF it were possible a ton of people would be interested in doing so.

Hmm, I may have to do some experimenting in my tank and try out a couple of hypotheses I have. That way maybe I can answer my own questions rather than always wondering "what if?".


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
So I'm kinda thinking you should ask Robert Fenner, his site is Wetwebmedia, Aquarium, Pond, Marine and Freshwater Fish, reef tanks, and Aquatics Information even if he (or his crew) don't know, they should be able to point you to *some* kind of info. There is a few other people too but for the life of me I can't remember which forum they post on, or if it was Ron Shimek or _____ Toon (lol, can't even remember his first name!). The last two are predominently marine guys but Fenner also deals with fresh. Long come short... I'm not having much luck either. :confused: I wish I could remember more, or the name of the artical... sorry.


Aug 11, 2010
My first time on a forum but I had to register and reply to this thread as I have the same question! I have a 29 gal tank that I had as a saltwater tank for about one year and was successfully growing coralline algae. After becoming increasingly frustrated with cleaning the tank all the time I went back to a freshwater Cichlid tank. Instead of the live rock, I now have two large rocks that I keep in there as a center focal point in the tank. I am totally convinced that I have coralline algae growing on these two rocks. It is bright purple and greenish/blue in color and is exactly what was growing on my live rock in my saltwater tank. I have taken the rocks out to scrub them and put them back in and it continues to grow! FYI, I still use my 24x4 Saltwater tank light that has both the white light and actinic lights in it. (I took one of each bulb out as it was to bright for my Cichlids) I will say it looks awesome and is growing fast! I am just concerned it will do harm to my Cichlids.. (No deaths yet in the tank!) I don't have any water test results, however I am on well water and that is what I use in my tanks..

Feb 6, 2011
Hey i just read your post. i have bee researching the topic for several days because i want the same to to grow in my freshwater tank with my african cichlids. how did you get it. how was it introduced to your tank, ect. i saw a video on you tube where a guy had a african set up with the purplish algae growing. how can i get a hold of this algae.