Corals come in today


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Lotus, I know you told me not to get any corals, but they were already ordered when you gave me that advice, ( I just didn't want you thinking that I wasn't listening to your advice, I am. I just assumed when the guy at the LFS let me get some stuff, I could get somemore, not alot, but alittle, I ordered it, then you told me not to order anymore, I guess I could have canceled the order ). Any way this is what I have coming, this order is from Vivid : Rose Anemone, Fiji Yellow Coral,Purple Rim Montipora,Red Montipora Capricornus. The second order : 5 polyps Golden Eyes,5 Polyps Nightmares,4 polyps RPE,3Polyps PD, 3 Polyps Mohawks, and 2 Polyps Nuke Greens. This second order is coming from , This order may not come in today, he told me it all depends on how the Nuke greens would be doing. Sorry, I forgot, I called Vivid back and ordered one more thing, A Birds Nest Coral, I know I shouldnt have gotten this one and it will probley die (I hope not), anyway thats what I have coming, I will take some pics as soon as I can. I am going to put all the corals at one end of the tank for the time being, till the Rose Ane. has time to find a home, I fixed up a spot for it, but it will probley go some where else.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
mmmm hopefully the rose will settle and hopefully your tank is stable as this is the main reason most anemones don't make it.....unstable parameters...and over feeding yes that is right, go figure. I have had my anemones for 3 years and all are doing great.....the bta seems to be the most forgiving with ltas probably next. I have 2 ltas and one bta.....they are all over a foot across when fully expanded.....which really limits the corals that I can place near they will sting anything within reach. I feed them a silverside about once a month and the rest of the time I may squirt some mysis in their direction and what ever they get out of the water column from general feedings. good luck and send pics when you can


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
This is an awesome site for info on rose anemones: Caring for these beautiful creatures - In living color with more pictures then you will find anywhere

Make sure you're checking and compensating your calcium and alkalinity, and that your nitrates are close to zero (less than 5ppm), and you should be OK. I got an anemone about 6 months after I set up my tank, and it was a good couple of weeks before it was happy and extended. I feel I rushed on that. Some Poly Filter helped remove whatever it was that was irritating it from the water.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Well. I broke a small piese off both of the Montipora trying to place them in the tank, I think they will bith be fine. The rose anemone is about the size of a quarter, I got him to stay put on the rock I wanted him on and he seems fine, lets see if he will stay there. I tried to feed him a small piece of shrimp but he let it go and a fish got it. My wife works at a local fish market so I can get just about anything I want from them, if it swims, they got it.

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
I wouldn't worry about feeding it yet.... Give it time to settle in. There is a good chance it will move, but hopefully it will not. BTA like to be near an overhang where they can put their foot under the overhang.

I feed mine 1/2 a silverside twice a month. I would have feed once a month, but it would take a whole one.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
make sure you cover all your powerheads with plastic mesh canvas until that nem burys her foot......if not you may walk in to find shredded anemone all over your is one of the biggest hazards to them......


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Well, he moved, I had in the front of the tank, just to the left of the center of the tank about mid level in the tank. Woke up the next morning he was all the way on the right side of the tank about 3/4 of the way to the back of the tank and on the bottom. I have'nt been able to get it to eat anything untill this morning, I got him to eat two small pieces of shrimp. I am hoping he will decide that he wants to move again, for me to move him I will have to take down all the LR on the right side of my tank to move the piece of LR he is on. I am in no hurry to move him though, I am at least, I will say two or three months away from getting my clown fish. and the annm. needs to grow a bit. he is small, although yesterday he was about three times bigger than he normaly is.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
they will inflate with water and deflate often.....there are no promises that your clownfish will ever go near the anemone....mine took 2 years to decide that the anemone that was lodged about 2 inches from them was a good home......crazy fish. Just make sure if it is on the move it doesn't roll into a powerhead.....if god forbid it does.....turn off the power head and let it disengage itself don't try to remove it or you may damage it beyond help......powerheads and anemones are not a good mix....the powerhead usually wins.....