Cories & Ich


Small Fish
Oct 15, 2005
I'd like to add some cories to my tank, but I've had ICH 3 times in the last 2 years. I don't want to put them into a tank with a death wish. I know the 1st time the tank got ICH was when I purchased my first fish (I paid for the fish. Petco threw in the ICH for free*ALL* ). Since then I 've had ICH twice. Most recently I lost my Honey Grouami (sp.) 3 weeks after I purchased him. 4 of my rummy nose tetras got it too, but they all came through great!. I have a PH of 7.6 so the LFS says that the higher PH may be causing the fish to more easily contract ICH. Is this correct and are cories strong enough to handle this? I've completely given up on loaches!!! Thanks for the input.

46 gal. completely cycled, live plants, salt added, 78 degrees, ph 7.6.

Lotus said:
The pH shouldn't be a problem, as long as you drip acclimate. It's a good idea with a tank your size to set up a quarantine tank and put all new fish in it for a few weeks before you add them to the main tank.
I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation for this...and it could be as simple as the fact that a quarantine tank should be set up as close in stats to the main tank as possible...but is there any other reason? Isn't it still going from one tank to another, like going from the LFS to the main?


Large Fish
Jun 19, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa
NO, because in YOUR quarentine tank, you know the condition of the water, and then have the time to see how the fish makes it or not, with the LFS you have no idea what condition there tanks are in, weather or not the LFS just got that fish in, if it was returned from another customer and therefore in thier own "dirty" tanks. etc.

Even plants should be put into quarentine tanks when you first bring them home, rinse them off or so, so if they are carrying snails etc they wont get into your main tank.


Small Fish
Oct 15, 2005
So if I set up a quarantine tank...what size should it be, do I have to maintain it all the time? Will the fish get depressed being alone if I do a few at a time?? Sorry ti sound like a dork!

Kellie said:
So if I set up a quarantine tank...what size should it be, do I have to maintain it all the time? Will the fish get depressed being alone if I do a few at a time?? Sorry ti sound like a dork!
That would depend on the size of your fish.

You don't need anything supersized...just something that your fish will be comfortable in. They won't be there long, hopefully.

I have a 10g hospital tank, and that does me just fine. However, when my sharks get bigger, that may not be the case.

You should maintain it the same as your main tank.


Small Fish
Oct 15, 2005
I guess my question was a little vague. I don't add fish very often, so how do you keep a tank that doesn't have anything in it cycled (maintained)? If I add fish every 2 months-6 does that work?

Kellie said:
I guess my question was a little vague. I don't add fish very often, so how do you keep a tank that doesn't have anything in it cycled (maintained)? If I add fish every 2 months-6 does that work?
A tank that doesn't have any fish or live plants in it still needs to be maintained. Maybe not quite as often, but you should at least be testing it once a week, checking the quality of water and ensuring your temperature is the same as the main tank. Basically, do whatever you need to do in order to have your quarantine tank the same as your main.


Medium Fish
Feb 27, 2006
Swannanoa NC
You can add ammonia or a little fish food every day to keep it cycled. I'm setting up a 10Gal for the same purpose and plan on just keeping 2 or 3 small fish in the tank to keep it cycled.

Toddlee said:
You can add ammonia or a little fish food every day to keep it cycled. I'm setting up a 10Gal for the same purpose and plan on just keeping 2 or 3 small fish in the tank to keep it cycled.
I've been thinking of moving my rosey barbs to my quarantine tank...but they can be a bit aggressive, which I wouldn't want for a sick (and potentially stressed out) fish, or new fish.

Likewise, new fish may pick on my angel if I keep him in there.

I thought of using clown plecos, but they require higher temperatures, and are more susceptable (so I've heard) to disease...particularly Ick.

I'm wondering if I should maybe try using my Glass Cats in the quarantine tank to keep it cycled...think this would be okay?


Medium Fish
Feb 27, 2006
Swannanoa NC
I'm wondering if I should maybe try using my Glass Cats in the quarantine tank to keep it cycled...think this would be okay?[/QUOTE]

I can't think of any reason why you couldn't. Adding ammonia or fish food every day to a cycled tank just doesn't set right with me :)

Toddlee said:
SkwidsLair said:
I'm wondering if I should maybe try using my Glass Cats in the quarantine tank to keep it cycled...think this would be okay?

I can't think of any reason why you couldn't. Adding ammonia or fish food every day to a cycled tank just doesn't set right with me :)
Well, as it turns out...I won't be 'choosing' what to do with the quarantine tank. I now have a bunch of Molly Fry in there.

I figure this should be a pretty good test as to how well the Q-tank is doing, eh?

I LOVE MY CORYS they have the cutest personallity, my one i had for 3 years now never moved for the first year i had him... i would walk out of the room, then he would go in a diffrent spot, but "I" never saw him move (just his eyes would blink) now hes all over the place swimming like a regular fish all around.. even lately hes been eating off the top! i resently got a 55 gallon, and took down my 10 gal, so i was scared to put him in it since the 55 wasnt cycled but i had know where to put him, i had him in a bucket on the floor for a few days untill my 55gal was set up and i went to check on him and he wasnt in the bucket! so i ran upstairs and told my mom to look for him since i didnt want to find my beloved pet dried to the carpet, after my mom was finished putting away the groceries, she want down to look for him, and he was STILL ALIVE!! i have NO idea how long he was out of the water for! when i had my 10 gallon, i think i had ich 3 times also... i dont believe my cories got it, i figures because there "skin" isnt really scaley, its like little rib things... i wouldnt worry about the PH so much, my cory was the only original fish to my 10 gallon that is still alive today.. so i would say cories are pretty darn harty...