
My albino cories have spawned a LOT in the aquarium. I've even gotten the eggs to hatch, but I can't keep them alive. I know that I'm doing something wrong and I try something different every time they spawn. Believe me, you'll know it when they spawn. I had white eggs all over the glass of my tank. It looked like a piece of styrofoam had exploded in there :p

The only way that I've been able to sex mine is that the female is much larger than the male. If you have one (or more) of each sex that are old enough to spawn, it'll be obvious. My male is younger than the female, so I thought that was why he was smaller, but that wasn't the case. I only have 2 of the albino cories right now, but I'd like to get more soon.

I also have 3 panda cories and I think I have 1 female and 2 males. One of them is definately larger than the other. They haven't spawned yet, but I can't wait until they do. I think with any cory, the females are larger than the males.

Igor The Cat

Superstar Fish
Jul 14, 2003
Seattle, Washington
to breed cories it is best to set up a 29gal or larger species tank and purchase at least 6 cories of the smae species to breed, then you will most likely have to grow them untill the are at least 2.5inches long for them to produce fertile eggs, once full size they will naturally pair up, as there is no real way to sex them as IME sometimes the male is bigger and sometimes the female is. when you notice the pairs raise the water temp. to about 83-4 farenhiet and leave it for a few days, then do a large (40%) COLD (55-60 degrees) (to simulate the natural rain season begiining)w/c and they should spawn that night or the next morning.

once the eggs are laid remove them from the aquarium WITHOUT LETTING THEM CONTACT AIR! and put them in a small container with meteleyne blue as a fungicide, and the should hatch in 8-10 days. the babys should be feed mostly microworms until that are about 2cm long and then they can take crushed flake.

good luck!



I just got two spotted cories and I was just wondering if I was gonna see any eggs? One of the cories is much wider than the other. So Far these are really great fish that I always passed up on but decided to give em a try and see if they would put a dent in my brown algae. I like them they are kinda ugly but overall I think they are neat little fish


Large Fish
Mar 21, 2006
ohh,mine just spawn whenever they want.They breed in a small cave,they sucessfully hatch but mostly being eaten by other fish,i have just 5 cories survived from 6 spawn.I feed them liquidfry.I net them up and put them in hactheries chamber.Till the size that no want can eat them(about 1-2cm)ill release them into my tank.