Corner Aquariums?


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
Well, I know I'm going to want another aquarium. Ok, I already do. Part of the problem is I don't have room in my townhome for a large traditionally-shaped aquarium (big rectangle). My wife also holds the veto power on another aquarium without me getting rid of my current one. I currently have my main (25G tall Eclipse) on a stand angled in the corner of the livingroom. I was contemplating replacing that tank with the all-glass styled corner aquarium (picture below). She says it looks ok, so I don't have to worry about that. I'm leaning towards the 92 gallon, so I don't have to want another, bigger aquarium right away. I think if I got the 54g size, I'd want to upgrade again. I'd rather spend the money once, rather than 2x.

Anyway, does anyone have any experience with these aquariums? Is there a downside to their shape vs. a traditional aquarium?

Here's a pictuer of the 54g:

Also, the best price I've found the 92g for is $507 + shipping. Anyone have ideas on any better prices?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
We were thinking of getting a second-hand 54g corner that was a really good offer, but we don't have many corners in our house (well, obviously we don't live in a round house, but the corners aren't available). If that's an Oceanic tank, they are generally high quality. The price sounds good.

The only problem I can see is that if you wanted high lighting for either a high-tech planted tank or a reef tank, it could be a challenge. I think they have reasonable surfacce area.

if i'm not mistaken the juwel aquariums are only available in UK and not in the US where hyunelan2 lives. My friends have a corner tank and i sorta like it cause when you look at it it looks a lot bigger cause of the curve of the glass but the only thing is sometimes the fish look slightly distorted but not enough to where it annoys me. If you can get the bigger tank i would go for it for the reason you said and having a bigger tank is always nice :)


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
Hmm... I haven't seen the 92g in 'real life' yet. I haven't been able to find it anywhere other than the internet. I have seen the 54g, and I thought it might be a little small. The dimensions of the 92g are 34" along the flat-sides, with the arc also having a radius of 34". The way I have my current tank situated, it'll only take about another 4-5" out into the room, but will fill in everything behind and on the sides of it. I guess I need to find a side-by-side picture of the 54g and the 92g.

Here's where my tank sits:

ya i really think the 92g will fit in there nicely and fill up most of the empty space except the window might give you a little bit of an algae problem cause a 92g will stick out pretty far from the wall and might be hit by that ray of sun in the picture but otherwise i think a 92g will be nice and you can keep big fish :D


Superstar Fish
May 24, 2005
Chesapeake, Va
Like lotus said, the only problem I see is if you need more lighting for it cause that hood won't hold much for a 90+ tank and the curved edges would make it difficult to put one with legs on so you would be left with perhaps suspending light above it. However, if you never want live plants or whatever then don't worry about it.


Large Fish
Mar 16, 2005
Ankeny, Iowa
I think if you were willing to be create you could fit sever AHSupply bright kits on top of the unit, if you need them. Also, I don't know if it helps at all but if the dimensions are infact 34" on the flat sides then you'll have a suface area of approx. 908 square inches. The perimeter would be approximately 121 inches. You could compare these numbers to a traditional 92/100G and see how it compares.