
Today, I went to WalMart, and was looking at the fish, to see if they had corries.

And they did, so my mom bought me three (I put a lot of thought into this before we did) to go with my mollies. So now they're in the tank with them, and I just have a couple questions:

1. The food I got for them "Wardley Algae Discs" is that the correct food, or should we return it and get a different kind?
2. They have gills right? Because every now and then, they will race to the top, hit the water, then swim back down really fast...


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Yes, they'll eat algae wafers. They'll also eat any flake that falls to the bottom of the tank. I sometimes feed mine shrimp pellets, too.

If you have problems with the mollies eating all the food, put the wafers in after the tank lights are out, so the cories get a chance to feed. About 1/2 wafer every few days should be more than enough for three cories.

Yes, cories have gills, but they also have a flotation organ that they fill with air. It's normal for them to go to the surface for air occasionally. :)

I hope you enjoy them.