I bought a small cory yesterday at a LFS. He was in a tank of assorted corys (the tank label read asst. corys".
The one employee that I talked to didn't know what kind he was. I was wondering if someone could help me identify him.
I don't have a digital camera so I'll just describe him as best I can. He is silvery brown with big dark (nearly black) patches over most of his body. On his head he has some lighter, smaller spots. When he is swimming sometimes it seems as if he has a silvery patch on his side. I know this is a vague description but I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
The one employee that I talked to didn't know what kind he was. I was wondering if someone could help me identify him.
I don't have a digital camera so I'll just describe him as best I can. He is silvery brown with big dark (nearly black) patches over most of his body. On his head he has some lighter, smaller spots. When he is swimming sometimes it seems as if he has a silvery patch on his side. I know this is a vague description but I hope someone can point me in the right direction.