Cory problem (all dying?)

I've isolated three cories atm that have the "open mouth" problem. Instead of their mouth opening slightly toward the ground, it is facing straight forward and it's more open than before.

The 3/4 older cory died because he had pop-eye, possibly dropsy, and this "open mouth" thingy. I'm assuming it was related to the dropsy thing.

I found several more cories that seem to have the same problem. Should I take them all out? I don't want the other's to get infected if that's what's happening.

Or is there a way to get rid of this problem? Some stuff I can put in there to make it go "poof?"

I'm stumped. :( Any ideas are appreciated, even if they're not correct. :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
If that many have it I would think you probably have a tank wide problem :(.

Have you checked all your water permeters? As they all get bigger they could be out growing your established bacteria.

Last Thursday's parameters were:

NitrAte: 0
NitrIte: 0
Ammonia: .25 (I think it's trying to cycle and it's been like that for ages...)
pH: 7.6

One that I removed died. I have four others in the bowl right now. I tried to net those out that seemed to have a problem. I REALLY don't want to lose the whole population!! What do I do??? :(


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
That's what I was thinking that your bioload is ever increasing as your fry grow so it's never going to be able to catch up.

First of all I would go to your pet store and see if you can get some Biospira and/or some Prime water conditioner? Either or both will be a big help. The Biospira helps cycle and the Prime detoxs the ammonia.

I would think that would take care of your cycling problem. Now the fry might have damage to their gills/mouths from being in water with ammonia for so long (if I understand correctly the ammonia burns their gills). That could explain the symptoms you've been seeing?

I would water change out about 50% a day and keep testing it until it settles.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
It's only 6G right? Just get a pair of big tupperware containers the same size from your mom's kitchen. Fill one with water (treat with prime) and then scoop out with the other. Takes 2 minutes. If you do 10% a day even it'll be better then nothing.

I feel your pain Kissy, I have an ammonia spike right now in my 29 cause one of my plants died and that means changing out 15 gallons a day for the last three days till it passed.

Ok. I did a 90% wc. I took all the cories out and I can't tell the difference between the ones in the bowl and the ones in the tank. So I put them all together again. I guess yesterday I was so paranoid that I took random ones out, thinking only they had the problem.

Anyway, I put the bacteria starter in the tank and am going to let the filter run for a while before I put the cories back in.

Question though:

I found one of the March 1st born ones that has gotten larger than the older one. I want to save especially him from this epidemic. Do you think I could put him in the 5g with Kissyboots (the fish) and the two otos? I'll take the shrimp out so he doesn't go for the cory. What do you think?


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
I would be more worried about the Betta going for him then the shrimp!
Is he bigger then the shrimp?

I don't think you have an epidemic. I think it's more an issue of the fry being in through the cycle.

Well, I was going to take the shrimp out because last time, he caught and almost ate one of the swordtail fry!!

I don't know if Kissyboots is gonna even see him. She is so old... I'd be more worried about Finfin, but he's in the 20g right now.

The biggest cory is a little less than 3/4 of an inch.

Ugh, I don't know what to do!!! Should I even put them back in the tank?!?

Thanks for all the help btw. :)


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Giving your situation I would do like I said, try and get some biospira and get them into the tank again with that or at very least some Prime.

You probably wanna check with some one who's bred more fry what they've done.

And holy that's a big shrimp!

Nov 27, 2004
New Orleans
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sorry to hear about your troubles. you mentioned you had some bacteria start up stuff, but the only one i have heard any good about is bio-spira. it has to be refrigerated as well, or else the bacteria is dead before it hits the tank. i agree with tab that your tank got overwhelmed by the new load of fish. best thing is to keep up on water changes till the bacteria can catch up. if possible, and especially if you think your cories will breed again, try to have a fry only tank where you can move them to, or at least move some of them to, so that the bioload won't increase as drastically. any chance you can sell some now/give some away?


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
PetCo and PetSmart don't carry BioSpira.

I had to go to a fish shop. all they do is fish, so they should have biospira.

I would take some from you, but you're in Arizona, and I'm out of tanks.

Sorry bout your fry...