I've isolated three cories atm that have the "open mouth" problem. Instead of their mouth opening slightly toward the ground, it is facing straight forward and it's more open than before.
The 3/4 older cory died because he had pop-eye, possibly dropsy, and this "open mouth" thingy. I'm assuming it was related to the dropsy thing.
I found several more cories that seem to have the same problem. Should I take them all out? I don't want the other's to get infected if that's what's happening.
Or is there a way to get rid of this problem? Some stuff I can put in there to make it go "poof?"
I'm stumped. Any ideas are appreciated, even if they're not correct.
The 3/4 older cory died because he had pop-eye, possibly dropsy, and this "open mouth" thingy. I'm assuming it was related to the dropsy thing.
I found several more cories that seem to have the same problem. Should I take them all out? I don't want the other's to get infected if that's what's happening.
Or is there a way to get rid of this problem? Some stuff I can put in there to make it go "poof?"
I'm stumped. Any ideas are appreciated, even if they're not correct.