Cory problem

I don't know why but my bottom feeders have been having the worst luck this week. I just looked in my aquarium, and saw one of my speckled cories. He was swimming fine and browsing the sand as usual, but his upper body looks like he has been peeling or something. Here is a pic with him and another cory



Superstar Fish
Aug 13, 2003
By any chance did you use aquarium salt in your tanks? Maybe it could caused that, since the acid burns corydora's skin.

But I may be wrong, so don't take my word for it. Hope your fellow gets cured.

He's okay, folks!

Maybe it was just a joke he was playing on me, but he is good as new. I did a water change, 10%, and he is fine now. Here is a pic of him eating his fave food.:)

By the way, MrMup04,I have used aquarium salt in the past, and it never affected any way but positively ( at least from what I can see )


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