Cory project

I put my 2 Juli cories from the 30gal angel tank into the 20gal and then got 3 cories today and put them in there. I am going to attempt to breed them. I lowered the temp slowly from 80 down to 74F. Kissyboots, i need your help with this lol!!! The guy that helped me get the new cories today breeds them and gave me one male, one female, and 1 unsexed. Ill try to get some pics in a minute. Im not sure what kind of cories i got today, so ill need help identifying them. I hope they breed soon lol


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Good Luck!

Cories are odd little fishes (which is why I love them). One of my pygmies is trying (and failing) to woo my female pepperd cory! And yet pygmies who have paired off on their own haven't even bothered to try and make eggs.

If I had a bigger tank I would get a bunch more and try the same.

Yay!! Breeding cories is so much fun!! They are so cute!! Anyway, if you follow "Cory spawning habits" which you've probably already read, then you should be fine with the first part. If lowering the temp. doesn't work, try rearranging plants and decor or cleaning everything. I cleaned the tanks on Sat. and they spawned on Sun. When you get eggs, let us know and maybe I can help you. I'm actually planning to get a 6.6 gallon tank for the little guys with my birthday money. That's what birthdays are for, right? :) Anyway, good luck!!!!!!!!! :D

Oh, and pictures are essential for the process...hehe. :D We want pictures!!!!!!!!

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Yay!! Breeding cories is so much fun!! They are so cute!! Anyway, if you follow "Cory spawning habits" which you've probably already read, then you should be fine with the first part. If lowering the temp. doesn't work, try rearranging plants and decor or cleaning everything. I cleaned the tanks on Sat. and they spawned on Sun. When you get eggs, let us know and maybe I can help you. I'm actually planning to get a 6.6 gallon tank for the little guys with my birthday money. That's what birthdays are for, right? :) Anyway, good luck!!!!!!!!! :D

Oh, and pictures are essential for the process...hehe. :D We want pictures!!!!!!!!
Yes i have read that thread, very good info and pics!!!
I called my dad today(away from the tanks there and workin on my NEW 30gal!!!!) and asked him what the temp was at and he said 73F.Is that good? I took out the cory from the discus tank(gave the albino to brother) and put him/her in with the other 5 so now there are 6. I really want to get these guys and gals breeding soon cause my b-day is less than a month away and i am wanting to redo my 55gal and ill probably add the 6 cory's now into the 55gal with the discus and the fry into the 2 30gals. Lol ill get pics don't you worry. I actually got some on Sunday but had to leave to come to my moms before i could get them on photobucket. AHHHH im so excited!! I have only bred Cichlids and livebearers, oh and Silver Dollars but i cant seem to get the eggs out of the 75gal before the other fish get to them. So hopefully after the corys i will try my BN pair, Gourami pair, or Angel pair again.

Hm. When the latest batch of eggs came the temp. was about 72 so I think you're good. If it doesn't work, try to change the temp. by a little bit. It's not that they will spawn because the temp. is low, but rather because it changes. Move the decor around too. That might help. Anyway, I started as a total newbie so I'm still learning. Hope you have luck though cuz that would be awesome! :D And hurry up with the pics, will you? :D :D


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
If you can Silverdollars, maybe even look at putting 2 more in there. Strange as it is, I keep being told that breeding is a very social thing for cories and the more there are the more they're willing to do.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Is that spoon in the 3rd picture for scale? :D I sense a geologist in the making... :D

I can't pretend I know anything about Cories... I just got my first set today... 5 Pygmies! They're so cool! I dont know why I never got Cories before! After these 5 are done QT'ing, I'm going to get some more for both my 5 gallons. I hope yours breed! And I hope mine don't! I can't handle anymore of any type of fry! lol.
If water changes are what makes them breed...... my tanks are constantly fluctuating... between mid 70s to low 80s...