Currently as some of you know I have a 10g tank with
6 glass tetras
2 neon tetras (how their still alive idk goldfish ate 3 already)
1 cory cat
1 goldfish
Im trying not to buy anymore fish until I buy a 30-40g for the goldfish to be rehomed in. My question is will the cory be ok on his own for a few more weeks to a month. From what I understand they are social and like to be in groups of 3+. He seems healthy spends his time laying on the bottom eating while hiding and once and a while will dart to the top real fast then come straight back... everynow and then I see him hanging with the goldfish or tetras.
ill have to post a pick of his favorite spot im calling it corys house lol
also currently its only about 1" long don't know if that means anything other than its young.
6 glass tetras
2 neon tetras (how their still alive idk goldfish ate 3 already)
1 cory cat
1 goldfish
Im trying not to buy anymore fish until I buy a 30-40g for the goldfish to be rehomed in. My question is will the cory be ok on his own for a few more weeks to a month. From what I understand they are social and like to be in groups of 3+. He seems healthy spends his time laying on the bottom eating while hiding and once and a while will dart to the top real fast then come straight back... everynow and then I see him hanging with the goldfish or tetras.
ill have to post a pick of his favorite spot im calling it corys house lol
also currently its only about 1" long don't know if that means anything other than its young.