Cory question


Small Fish
Apr 13, 2013
Grand Blanc
Currently as some of you know I have a 10g tank with

6 glass tetras
2 neon tetras (how their still alive idk goldfish ate 3 already)
1 cory cat
1 goldfish

Im trying not to buy anymore fish until I buy a 30-40g for the goldfish to be rehomed in. My question is will the cory be ok on his own for a few more weeks to a month. From what I understand they are social and like to be in groups of 3+. He seems healthy spends his time laying on the bottom eating while hiding and once and a while will dart to the top real fast then come straight back... everynow and then I see him hanging with the goldfish or tetras.

ill have to post a pick of his favorite spot im calling it corys house lol

also currently its only about 1" long don't know if that means anything other than its young.


Small Fish
Apr 13, 2013
Grand Blanc
cool beans mine spends a lot of time hanging out in "cory house" when hes not feeding off the bottom or hanging with the tetras... there is a pig bank outside the tank he likes to stare at that too a lot pretty funny stuff they have lots of character.


Mar 13, 2013
Lol cool. "Cory" is mines name. He stares out of the tank at random objects. I think he likes to play a game and aggravate the dog by sitting in the corner where she can see him and lick the tank... Lol


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
It's said that Corys need to be in groups to bring out their natural behavior and not stress them. I know years ago I never had luck with just one. They wouldn't live long- but that could have been a factor of my poor tank maintenance back then too. Didn't know about regular water changes then.

Same thing with neon tetras.

Then again, if they work as singles or pairs in your tank, go with it!


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
ya, I know hes not as active as a cory should be but going to be getting 1 or 2 more soon.
I've got emerald corys. 4 of them in my community 29g. With a lot of hiding spaces. They are extremely shy/skittish even in a group of 4. Originally bought 5 back in February, but one died within a day. I'm not sure if it's common to this particular cory or not, but I would not buy them again. They were very tiny when I got them and they haven't grown much. I feed them shrimp pellets that they gobble up. I have to feed them after lights out or the the other fish will scarf up the food before the corys can get at it.


Small Fish
Apr 13, 2013
Grand Blanc
Not sure I know mine is shy as well. Hes been in the tank for over a week now. If hes not hiding in the clown head hes between plants except for the few occasions I see him hanging with the tetras or preying to the pig lol

Mar 13, 2013
Mine hangs out in his corner, and comes out like everyone else when it's feeding time. He does hide behind a piece of driftwood, but nothing seems to scare him. I feed mine sinking algae wafers and they love them! The two loaches are the ones that are real skittish and hide. Thinking about giving away the skunk loach. I'm feeding something I never get to see and enjoy.


Small Fish
Apr 24, 2013
I have a single Cory and he seems to do fine. He is a loner, but comes out for feeding time and when I am messing around the tank. I would like to get him a friend, but have to more room in my tank, unfortunately...