It will depend on the sand again, but in my experience they have done fine with the playsand. When it comes to sand though, you can't really have a thick layer of it because decomposing material and whatnot will get trapped deep underneath the sand and cause dangerous and poisonous gas buildups, so plant roots won't have as much space to tunnel deep into the substrate.
There are live plants that will grow on rocks or decorations and don't need substrate like java moss and java fern. There are also plants that will do well simply floating on top of the water like hornwort and ancharis, but if you want plants that will have deeper roots, you might want to go with gravel. I have also had luck with cuttings plants in sand but all plants will have different roots, so the sand's compactness might limit certain varieties.
It will probably be more of a trial and error type of thing for what plants will work, but to answer your question broadly, some types of plants will do great in sand. You will probably have better luck with larger grained sand like pool filter sand as well.
Sorry my answers usually aren't as long winded as this, but hopefully you stayed with me
Is the tank set up already, or are you still in the process of setting it up?