Cory tank :D


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
I have a extra 10gal and a filter sitting in my basement and im thinking about setting it up :)

Heres my plan:

Sand for the bottom and about 6 corys. Ill have my 2x 15 wat Nutrigrow bulbs on this tank so ill have enough light for some nice plants.

I dont want it heavily planted so mainly just a piece of driftwood and a few small steim plants would be nice. I can picture this tho eheh i cant wait :) going shoping tomorrow but also what type of food do i feed corys since they will be by their self i will be directly feeding them.


Large Fish
Feb 20, 2003
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great minds think alike...;). I'm thinking the same thing with my extra 10 gal. I'll probalby use gravel though, just because I have an extra bag around. Plants I was thinking of java ferns attached to driftwood, and some java moss attached to stones and a coconut shell cave. I'll also add a small school of white clouds.

As for food, get some sinking shrimp pellets (I use wardleys), and some frozen bloodworms (they go crazy for these). I also feed mine freeze dried tubifex worms.

To make the FD worms sink for the corys, I cut a thin strip from those metal strips that come with stem plants. tie one end with a piece of string, and than wrap the FD tubifex cute around with it. This will sink the tube and you have the string to pull it back up when they are done. Corys love it!


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
hehe sounds nice :D

How much does shrimp pellets cost?

I have freeze dryed blood worms that every one of my fish like in my 30gal hehe im sure they would love these little worms as well. As long as shrimp pellets arent to much $ ill start buying them because currently im on a 5 tank spree and its getting expensive hehe but ill give it a try.

I was also thinking about throwing in a Pictus Catfish but im not sure yet. Ill think on it tonight and hopfully tomorrow go shoping :)


Large Fish
Feb 21, 2003
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ALthough corys love schools, i think that may be too many corys for one tank, i believe the rule is 2 corys per 10 gallons. It may be possible if thats all the fish you add to the tank however, but may be something to think about considering they are substrate square inch specific. Also, get a plastic dixie cup, cut it in half, add some gravel to the bottom of the cup, add live worms ( whichever variety you choose) and sink it to the bottom of the tank. Corys love this! The cup keeps the worms from escaping and the gravel enables the cup to sink right down to the corys.


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Hehe i think it would be fine to put 6 pygmy corys in my tank as long as i dont add any other fish. I have the perfect peice of driftwood in my other 10gal that when turned the right way it makes a pretty nice cave effect heh im sure they will love sitting up in their :p

Im also going to only use 2 plants i have picked 1 small amazon sword and 2 small java ferns. I can picture the tank in my mind and i like it alot heh might have to be my bedroom tank lol to bad its going in the kitchen. Pretty soon ill have a tank in every room lolz. Im off to the store at 3:00 :)


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Just got back from the store. I spent around $45
I got:

Driftwood - $15
Amazon sword - $4
Shrimp Pellets - $4
Sand - $10
3 Corys - $10

I just set it up and heres some pics:

The pics suck cause i cant take pictures right lolz but you get the idea. Also the fiddler crab you see in the bowl was taking out because during my picture taking he was chasing my corys and almost grabed 1 lolz.

Also what type of cory did i get lolz? I read the name at the pet store but i forgot and now i cant find a matching picture on the internet :confused:

Here is a pretty nice pic i got of 1 of my corys eating a shrimp pellet.

So enlarge and please try to tell me what kind he is!

Is it a peppered cory? kinda light but i think it is!

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Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
The tank is cycled. It had been up for 3 months pryer to the corys addition. The crabs are going to my LPS in 2 days when they have the room for them. As for now i showed u in the pics that they were moved to another tank.

I read alot about corys and what they like and need. The only reason their is only 3 in the tank is because i obviously dont want to add 6 at one time so im waiting a week and adding 3 more. The sapea is also a fish thats going back to the pet store. He was a troubled fish so he needed a quick home. This tank is only for 6 corys and a few ghost shrimp.

And also what do u mean why do you see caves in made for corys?

Obviuosly corys like to hide under stuff and a nice piece of driftwood is prefect for them and natrual as well. I will never use a cup or pot for any of my tanks as i try to make the inviorment as natrual as can be within $ range. Yes fiddlers and sapeas arent natrual but i have removed them to another tank untill thursday!

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Large Fish
Feb 20, 2003
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the cave is really for decoration, just something for the java moss to attach to.

And as for white clouds, they are hardy enough to adapt to a low 70 F tank. Heck all the lfs keep them in their tropical tanks.

that tank is looking good, that sword will get huge if the growing conditions are good. Personally I wouldn't keep crabs in a fish tank though.

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Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
I know crabs shouldnt be in their lolz. Ok heres the story. I had them in my 30gal untill the male crab attacked and ate my pleco. I moved them to the 10gal that is now the cory tank.

Now that i have the corys i have moved the crabs to a small 5gallon untill thursday when my LPS can take them in!