corydoras fish


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Help my guppies are attacking my corydoras fish and keep poking at him knocking him over to his side. This is the first I have seen of this. Does it mean my corydoras is sick and dying or are my guppies just being bullies? Do you think it is a good idea to move my corydoras to one of my betta 1/2 gal tank? Worried fish owner.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
No, cories are active and need more room than a 1/2g or 1g tank. The cory might be sick... have you tested the ammonia/nitrite in your tank? If you get anything other than zero, or if you don't have a test kit, try doing a water change and seeing if that helps. Also, is the tank heated?


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
I don't have a testing kit. However did a water change yesterday and the temp is between 76 and 78 degrees. He was swimming like crazy this afternoon, but now he is sitting at the bottom and seems straight not on his side just when they poke at him. My poor guy.

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Don't worry Jade. My platies and swordtail bully my corydoras too. Every time I feed sinking tablets, the livebearers hog the food and if the corycat comes near, they peck at it and force it to swim away. Generally, if the two types of fish are swimming alongside each other, there's nothing to worry about.

I'm worried about two things though.
1. A pleco in a 5 G?
2. Corycats live in schools. Think about buying at least one more.

If you're like me, you probably want more fish. But the 5 Gallon is really restrictive. Upgrade when you have the money. And I hope your fish are doing all right.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Thank you I feel a bit better. About the Pleco, to be honest I am worried about him in a 5 gal as well. However the pet store wouldn't take him back and nobody wants him, and can't drive myself to throw him down the drain or euthanize him. I might when he gets big put him in out closest river. I would get another Corycat however one more fish or thing for the tank except food and replacing of broken items, My mom will throw all my fish out, she is sooooo fed up of my fish craz lol. Trust me she is serious. I bought another Betta fish and she took my original betta and but it in a container and hid it, and then told me she flushed him. I was sooooo upset and finally she gave him back to me. TG he was alive still because she put him in chlorinated water. MY poor baby. He is fine and building a nice big bubble nest. So no more fish lol.


Medium Fish
Apr 8, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
It's illegal in a lot of places to put pet fish in local streams and if it isnt where you are, It should be. Sell him or give him to a friend if you cant find a local store. Just please dont put him in some random stream, he definately doesnt belong there.

Edit: the pleco that is


Small Fish
Mar 3, 2006

if ur guppies are still attacking ur corydoras fish and keep poking at him knocking him over to his side. try to add in some hiding place for corydoras like a aqua decoration small house or some wood or big rocks:) it will gave the fosh some place to hide to reduce the stress. as stress will create illness and there is where all teh problem come....

Have a nice day


Large Fish
Apr 5, 2006
Woodland, CA
Are you sure he can get under it to hide? I've got two castle type decorations in a tank right now. But nothing can get under the one on the left. The one on the right is great for stuff to hide under though (my ghost shrimp seem to have set up camp there).



Large Fish
Apr 5, 2006
Woodland, CA
Hmm, you could try placing a few treats under the castle for him. Do it when you feed the guppies so they will hopefully leave them alone. Maybe then he'll figure out its a nice place to be ^^)b