Corydoras Problem?? Please help


Small Fish
Apr 9, 2006
I am a newbie and have a 29 gallon with 3 albino corydoras and 1 green/bronze corydora.

When I first got them, they were so lively and were swimming 24/7. Now, it seems all they do is sleep. The biggest one is the most active, but overall about a 90% drop in activity over the span of a month. For the most part they just sit still at the bottom of the tank, come up for a gulp of air, and go back to sleep or laying on the bottom.

I have cleaned the tank 2-3 times a week, and I even went as far as to get an ammonia test kit, and there is 0 ammonia. I can only think of 2 things:

1. When I clean out the tank, I do about a 30% water change, and I add the water directly then add amquel plus after I have added the water. Should I do this some other way, and if so, how would I mix the new water and the amquel prior to adding the water to the fish tank?? And could this be the problem?

2. I got the bronze corydora about 2 weeks after I got the 3 albinos. Perhaps he brought something foul into the tank? I wouldn't think so though, because he is the 2nd or 3rd most active still (one does NOTHING but eat and sleep)

Any tips and advice would be welcome


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
ThePrep95 said:
.....1. When I clean out the tank, I do about a 30% water change, and I add the water directly then add amquel plus after I have added the water. Should I do this some other way, and if so, how would I mix the new water and the amquel prior to adding the water to the fish tank?? And could this be the problem?.....
:eek: :eek: :eek: I definately dont think thats the best way to add water to your tank!!!! The reason for the conditioner is to get all of the harmful stuff out of your water before putting it in your tank. I think there is a possibility thats your problem!!!


Small Fish
Apr 9, 2006
I've never read anything about this, and I've looked up quite a bit on the web. Where would I put the water first? How long would I have to wait? etc. etc.


Small Fish
Apr 9, 2006
Should I take them out of the tank, then add the water? How long would I then wait? I can't seem to find this information if this is infact my problem.


Large Fish
Jun 19, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa
never take the fish out of the tank unless you absolutely need to, like moving etc. The stress is very damaging to them. what i do when i fill my tank up is, (and i use a python syphon) after draining the amount of water i want out, i shut off the syphon valve. then add the recomended doasge of conditioner, then reverse the flow of water to fill the tank back up, (of cours emaking sure that the water im adding is close to the temp of the water i took out) the conditioner works immediately, i have had my largest tank for over a yr, with my gouramis being the first fish i ever bought and they still live. Hope that helps

Another method is (assuming you don't have chloramines in your water, you will need to find out from your water company) is to fill a bucket up and let it sit for say 24 hours, (depending on how much water) then the chlroine will evaporate AGAIN THATS IF YOU DON'T HAVE CHLORAMINE in your water.

If you do have chloramine, you can fill a bucket up and add the water conditioner and then fill your tank with that water from the bucket.

Jul 6, 2004
Visit site
I have a Python, and I generally add the conditioner somewhere in the middle of filling the tank. I do not think that adding the water conditioner just after filling the tank is going to be a big problem. In fact, I have know/have heard of a lot of people who do just that.

I read on this forum once that chlorine is much more harmful to the nitrifying bacteria of the filter than it is to the fish.

Other than that, I'm not sure what your problem is. Corys tend to be more active in larger groups, say 5+ of the same species, so my only suggestion would be to get a few more.

What other fish are in the tank?


Small Fish
Apr 9, 2006
I would agree except that they WERE active for the first 2 weeks, VERY active, then suddenly then started to "sleep" more and more. They don't dart around or do anything odd, just lay at the bottom and don't move for awhile, wake up, go for a gulp of air, sometimes swim or eat a little and go back to sleep.

It was just the 4 cory cats but today I added 3 tetras.


Small Fish
May 7, 2006
St.Thomas, Ont
check how long ur leaveing ur lites on they may be resting and try incresing the temp about 5*f it may be the temp of the water becasue i too relized that the lower the temp of water the less activity the fish will have try buying a heater if u dont already have one