Corydoras Rabauti

Jun 2, 2005
Luton, England
I picked up 4 new Cory's from the LFS yesterday traded them for four ADF's

I was told they are Corydoras Rabauti however they are Juvi's and no bigger than 2 cm's each so its a little hard to get a positive ID.

Never the less I spent 30 mins or so on Google looking for some info but unfortunately didn't get very far, Planet Catfish did have a fact sheet with minimal info but that was it.

Can anyone enlighten me with a little more info on keeping these pleasent little fish.

Incidentally I have them housed with a pair of Aspisto Agazzii's and 5 Glow light tetra's in a 15 Gal

Thanks in advance for any info



Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Pretty much, the care for one cory is the same as the care for another (with the exception of pygmy cories). You can just base your care on general cory care.

Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
i dont keep those corys as you can see in my sig i keep leopard and bronze varietys... i have had no breeding success in the community tank and have not tried in the newly established breeding tank. they chase each other around and the female lays eggs on the glass and other surfaces. they are adhesive. you can find videos of it on youtube and other info on google.

if i breed them ill let you all know.

p.s. good luck.

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