I was wondering: when a corydoras smacks his side to the ground (very fast), is that a sign of happiness or discomfort (itch?), does not happen very often,
they're pretty happy though, 2 of them are definitely a couple, always swimming with and touching each other,
I've got 2 corydoras who's barbels are gone... I've read about it, it means too much nitrate or too rough soil or bacteria...
(the fact is, as I reinstalled the aquarium, I didn't do anything with it, the soil grew over with algae that turned grey after a while, so I removed that dirt and cleaned it up, the plants in the pics survived, so I thought it would be ok for fish again... but you probably can't get rid of bacteria...)
here you can see the soil I used:
I think it wasn't meant as top-layer, but I liked its color, it's very light and hollow (I think), cause 30% of it floated, but mostly rounded (only some broken peaces of it could be sharp...)
I have two of these corydoras which both have lost there barbels:
my other bronze corydoras did not have any problems for a much longer time...
but now my other corydoras (the normal bronze colored) are getting also thinner barbels (at least the smaller one), so I changed the soil to that you can see in the upper images of the corydoras (it's cold caviar: very small, like 1mm and round, though I dislike its color...)
I have 7 corydoras (even another species), 2 gibbiceps and 2 beta's (male and a female) in a 45 liter tank
I've even used 'Easy-Life Crystal' to make the refresh water fish friendly, today as I cleaned and placed the new caviar soil I've use 'TetraAqua EasyBalance' (uses Nitrate Reduction Granules, reduces phosphate, has vitamins etc)
I told the tropical fish store about it, she said she never heard of anything like that... gotten only bad or no info (I asked her before I bought them, about the soil type etc)... tsss, they's shouldn't be allowed to sell animals...
sold me recently a Beaufortia leveretti (the store called it 'Liberty', a pleco like shaped like a manta, cool fish, super fast), it was very small, died the next day (I asked whether as strong as a pleco... special needs etc, guess not... anyone experience with that fish? maybe I had bad luck and it had a heart attack or something unnatural...
any info more than welcome!
Regards *PEACE!*
they're pretty happy though, 2 of them are definitely a couple, always swimming with and touching each other,
I've got 2 corydoras who's barbels are gone... I've read about it, it means too much nitrate or too rough soil or bacteria...
(the fact is, as I reinstalled the aquarium, I didn't do anything with it, the soil grew over with algae that turned grey after a while, so I removed that dirt and cleaned it up, the plants in the pics survived, so I thought it would be ok for fish again... but you probably can't get rid of bacteria...)
here you can see the soil I used:
I think it wasn't meant as top-layer, but I liked its color, it's very light and hollow (I think), cause 30% of it floated, but mostly rounded (only some broken peaces of it could be sharp...)
I have two of these corydoras which both have lost there barbels:
my other bronze corydoras did not have any problems for a much longer time...
but now my other corydoras (the normal bronze colored) are getting also thinner barbels (at least the smaller one), so I changed the soil to that you can see in the upper images of the corydoras (it's cold caviar: very small, like 1mm and round, though I dislike its color...)
I have 7 corydoras (even another species), 2 gibbiceps and 2 beta's (male and a female) in a 45 liter tank
I've even used 'Easy-Life Crystal' to make the refresh water fish friendly, today as I cleaned and placed the new caviar soil I've use 'TetraAqua EasyBalance' (uses Nitrate Reduction Granules, reduces phosphate, has vitamins etc)
I told the tropical fish store about it, she said she never heard of anything like that... gotten only bad or no info (I asked her before I bought them, about the soil type etc)... tsss, they's shouldn't be allowed to sell animals...
sold me recently a Beaufortia leveretti (the store called it 'Liberty', a pleco like shaped like a manta, cool fish, super fast), it was very small, died the next day (I asked whether as strong as a pleco... special needs etc, guess not... anyone experience with that fish? maybe I had bad luck and it had a heart attack or something unnatural...
any info more than welcome!
Regards *PEACE!*