Well my 3 panda corys don't usually come out at all during the day unless it's feeding time. Their base camp is this shady spot at the far end of the tank next to a big piece of vertical driftwood used as a home for my 2 clown loaches. They camp right next to the driftwood under a little patch of java ferns. This seems to be their "safe zone" where they feal more comfortable when fealing threatened.
As for their activness in the tank I noticed several things since I watch them carefully every day for at least 10 minutes. Ive had them for at least a year or 2 now. One, every time I do a water change or clean the gravel, they come out in an instant and start mulling about. I assume they like the freshness of the new water being added, as well I think they like to hang around for scraps when I use the gravel vacume. It makes sense. Second I also noticed that sometimes they will actually shoot up to the surface of the water in the tank and then dive back down. This is an interesting behaviour that I noticed. I guess they do this when they feal especially good.
Also in the last couple of months I have also noticed that they are much more active and sociable with their tank mates in general. In the past when I would feed my fish they would be timid and usually wait for the other fish to finish eating before they would start searching for food. Now they come right out when it's feeding time and they don't take s&it from my other fish
. Especially my bad tempered, overweight algae eater who always has fits during feeding time. The biggest of my 3 corys which is not far off from being 2 inches in length will stand up to my algae eater and not run away right after recieving one of the algae eaters token "charging head butts".