I picked up my first 3 corys last night... never owned them before. Holy cow! Why have I not kept these awesome fish before? They skitter across the bottom in a school formation that rivals my rummynose! My female cacatuoides tries to bully them like she does everyone else in the tank... they ignore her lol. They've just got the coolest little personalities... sort of aloof, but slightly comical. =P
ANyway, I tried to figure out what species they are at planetcatfish.com ... they're seems to be several that they look like, only they don't have the orange splotch on top of their heads (like C. adolfoi). They're not quite panda corys though, the black on their rear is a stripe that runs from caudal to dorsal, and the dorsal is black.
ANyway, I tried to figure out what species they are at planetcatfish.com ... they're seems to be several that they look like, only they don't have the orange splotch on top of their heads (like C. adolfoi). They're not quite panda corys though, the black on their rear is a stripe that runs from caudal to dorsal, and the dorsal is black.