Could I screw up my tank?


Small Fish
Sep 25, 2006
My platty finally had babies and I scooped the 3 adults out of the 10 gallon and popped them into the 29g to ensure that my babies would survive. Anyway, I started wondering if that was a bad idea ... could that tank (which has completed it's cycle) go back into a cycle because now it doesn't have 3 big fish pooping in it? There are 8 babies and two otos in there now...what do you think? I tested it this morning and the tank was fine...but the big fish have only been out since last Friday. I'm hoping I was ok in this move...really don't want the tank to start to cycle again!


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
It will be fine, the little fish still poop and you are still feeding them (I hope LOL), so between the fishypoo and left over food, your bacteria should be just fine.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Fry and ottos don't create much waste, so the bacteria in your tank will definately decrease. This won't create another cycle, but when you do decide to add bigger fish again, you need to add them slowly so the bio-load can catch up. The fry grow slowly enough so that you shouldn't have any problems with the filter while they are in there. :) Just keep up with water changes, fry are sensitive to water conditions! Good luck!


Small Fish
Sep 25, 2006
Thanks for the quick replys guys and for making me feel better about yanking my big fish out. I guess I was so happy we finally had some fry (my other mama died mysteriously the week earlier) that I wanted to ensure their survival. I am feeding them Virgo LOL - I just feed them the same flake food the big guys got, just ground up as tiny as I can get it. They are eating too. I'm wondering how long before they are big enough to put the big guys back in there? Do you think they will grow fast enough in a week more?