Could it be fin-rot

Oct 4, 2005
Last night when i went to be my betta back fin was they same as it has benn the past two weeks. But i got up this morning and hif fin locks like its been in a shredder. It looks like he lost about half of his fin lst night.

He still has his color, he still eats like he as been, there dont look like the is any fungus or fuzzy growth on his tail. But it looks like its been frayed.

ammonia 0
Nitite 0
nitrates 20
Ph 7.6
GH 300
KH 80

and W/C every 4 to 5 days

Temp 80-82

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is there anything in the tank that he could shred his fins on? Oh wait!...He's in the tank with the new shrimp, right? So he could have easily injured it 'hunting'. Usually when its sudden like that, its either an injury or tailbiting, but since you just added shrip to the tank, and I know how 'single minded' bettas can be about them, I'd bet he shredded it hunting shrimp. Extra clean water should heal it up ok...but if you want a little 'boost', treat with melafix.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
The new shrimp could have also brought some nasties in with them, fin rot can progress very quickly like that keep an eye on it, and some medication might be good, just be sure its safe for your shrimp too because they can be very sensitive to medications.