Could my betta be dying?

Recently I noticed that my betta was looking kinda slow and he was hanging around the bottom of the tank. I upped the heater and that seemed to do the trick. Then I noticed that he put his upper half of his body on top of one of the lily pads that are floating on the top of the tank. I though he was dead but when I went to scoop him out he was alive! He freaked me out lol. Last night I though that he had died at the bottom of the tank (he looked to be curled up under a leaf) but he swam away when I went to scoop him up! What do you think is going on? He is in a community tank with some other fish. Am I not feeding him enough? Or is it just his time? I have had him for maybe 6 months but I dont know his age when I first bought him :confused:


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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It might be a temperature thing, but also, in general, my adults like to lounge around on top of things (filter heads, plants) and underneath things (decorations), just veggin out you know.

Don't worry about giving him more food, just take a close look at his body for any signs of illness like clamped fins or spots/growths.

And yes, as they age, they get less active, and usually a little duller in color, about 2-3 years in average tanks in a good lifespan.