Crab breeding

May 9, 2008
hi friends, I´m new here and I´m going to begin my career as a biologist.
One of my biggest dreams is to breed cardisoma in my home. By the way i raised freshwater crab eggs, but I need more info about breeding saltwater crustaceans.


May 9, 2008
lotus, my interest is based in the blue land crab "cardisoma guanhumi" I think that the level of success trying to breed those saltwater/land animals is better because of the great quantity of eggs they throw into the sea, and I`ve already tryed to raise freshwater crab eggs from the genera "pseudothelphusidae" and is quite nice to watch all the evolution of the egg, because, as you know, freshwater macro crustaceans have in them the "pro" that they have vitelum in their eggs, so the risk for being eated by other animals in their early ages is totally reducted. Maybe making a controlled environment it would have success, but you have more experience than me, so I need your practice notes, jeje thanks a lot

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May 9, 2008
airborneguy, Im going to begin my career as a biologist, I don`t want to study biology for become an aquarium keeper. It`s important to know about all the things that round us and how to save them because the world is changing (sounds like a political speech but it`s true) and anything we do as little as a sandgrain may work. This crab here in Colombia is an important food resource for all the people that live on the coasts of our seas. But, why the interest for breed them in captivity? You know that the human population is growing rapidly, and even quicker in the "forgotten zones" of our government; and the demographical increase means more food consumption and more animal sacrifice without control. The saban freshwater crab "neostrengeria macropa", endemic from Bogotá, the place where I live, is fished without controls from the state and it`s nearly going to extinction, so, my objective is to prevent the discriminated hunting and if people wants to consumpt them, make a breeding store, but avoid extracting them from the natural media, where maybe the government may protect them in speial zones of some natural park. thanks for the welcome

May 9, 2008
Yesterday I adquired a live rock in some pet shop. It obviously had hermit crabs, but there was a crab that had figures such as a prisoner; with lines black and white, it was not an hermit crab. do you know about it??

If I can I`ll send a photo of the crab

Thanks a lot

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