

Small Fish
Sep 12, 2006
Crabs need to be able to get out of the water or else they will end up dying. I had 2 in my 30 and what I did was drop my water level a bit, take a reptile corner net that suctioned to the glass and weaved my plant to it. They would climb up and down the plant all day long to get in and out of the water. Crabs are pretty cool and fun to watch but you would def. need a way for them to get out of the water when needed. In a 1 gallon you are limited on what you can do to obtain this. Unless you just keep crabs in it you could drop water a little and get a vertical type rock for them to climb but be careful, they can and will get out if too close to the me I know.

Good Luck


Small Fish
Sep 12, 2006
Almost Forgot, The crabs I had were fiddler looking crabs about the size of a quarter. I had them in my comm. tank and they didnt really bother anything unless they got too close. Then they would try to pinch them but they never got any of my fish. Basically feeling threatened so they reacted, but pretty peaceful otherwise.


Small Fish
Sep 12, 2006
I had three at one point in mine and one died so that left me two which lasted about a 1 1/2 years. Are they going in the 10 after you get the 1 cycled or staying in the 1? I would say you could go 2 in the 1 if you arent going to add fish to it. Def. 2 or 3 in the 10 depending on how crowded it would be. Im not sure if they would bother the shrimp or not though.
Your ladder idea is a pretty good thought too and will probably work well. As far as feeding, I fed mine what I fed my fish but im sure they will eat shrimp pellets and bloods. Mine would eat the flakes and the pellets I dropped for the Pleco. Actually I was looking at them today and thought about getting some more, I think I will in a few days.


Dipschnit said:
Try this link How to Care for Your Fiddler Crabs (Uca) with pictures I never had any red clawed so I dont know anything about those. Are they black with red claws because thats what i saw at Petsmart today? I think mine were gold fiddlers. I got them Petsmart but I havent seen them in a while at my local store.

Thats the crab. I see them all the time but no one ever buys them and they look so cool.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Humm... I am still not seeing these guys as suitable for a 1gal, personlally I don't think any crab is suitable for a 1gal, but maybe that's just me... Also, it doesn't specifically say what water these guys prefer, but I am thinking they would benifit from at least brackish conditions, if not full SW. (comming from ocen shores in flordia, and it plainly says the eggs they lay drift out into the ocean).

You have drawn my intrest into them though, I think it would be neat to have a couple of these guys in a large vivarium/biotope type tank with some anoles or something.

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