Crack in trim

I've been in the process of painting the trim on an aquarium that was given to me and I noticed that there's a crack on the bottom trim. It's on the very bottom of the piece and the side of it bows off of the glass. Should I get a new trim piece for the tank or do you think it would be okay if I just put some silicone on it? I don't want to take the chance and have it crack on me some more when I fill the tank up. Any suggestions?



Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I'd say if its just the trim then you'll be fine. Someone correct me if I'm wrong...but I think the trim is really only connected to the tank for looks usually. The only thing I'd be concerned about and be sure to silicon it back into place would be if the trim is cracked then hopefully the seals are all ok. I would put it in a bathtub (or somewhere it'll be ok for water to leak out in case you do have a broken seal) and fill it up to make sure all your seals are OK before filling it up to get ready for cycling.

I guess a small crack would not bother me too much...but I would try and mend it or something so it doesn't break. I think and I could be wrong but alot of the support comes from the trim. Especially the top....that is why most tanks have the center brace to keep the sides in check. I know my 40 gal breeder without the center brace will bow enough so that the top does not fit right. That is why I now use it for my sump and only fill it about 2/3.