Cracked Eclipse tank


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
So I noticed that my small 3 gallon Eclipse tank had tiny slit-like cracks in it. However, they only appear on the inside of the tank, not on the outside...the cracks havent penetrated the entire tank yet.

I filled it with water and it seems fine.

My question is, is it still safe? It wont crack completely a few monthes from now will it? I'm not sure how acrylic behaves under cracking conditions..

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
I've never had experience with this 'cracking issue' firsthand, but I would err on the side of caution and exchange the tank. Acrylic is quite strong, but I still wouldn't risk having it breakdown on you in the future.
Like you said, they haven't penetrated through all the way "yet," but of course it still could happen.

You haven't stocked it or anything yet, have you?

Well, hopefully you haven't---that way it should be fairly easy to just go and get it exchanged.

Big Vine


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
are you sure they are cracks and not scratches from maitenence? if they're just scratches, they could be buffed out with some novis. where are teh cracks located (seam vs. acrylic flat)? is it brand new? if it's brand new, definitly exchange it.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
My 5g Eclipse did that too and I didn't have a problem with it but I did trade up for a 10g not to long after that. I use the 5g every year when we get tad poles but then again the tank isn't filled to the top but the crack doesn't seem to have spread yet either. (I've had the tank for about 3+ years now).

I think I would agree with the others and get a replacement for it and use this one as a spare or something.


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
Thanks for the advice guys...

I cant return the tank cause its more than 2 years old. I had it in storage until last night when I took it out. I think one of my roomies must have dropped it or dropped something on it.

The cracks on are one of the side several dozen tiny slashes. At first I thought they were just scratches but they are not. I guess they are more like "hairline fractures" rather than larged jagged cracks. And for some reason they dont penetrate the entire pane..just the inside for some reason.

Theres nothing in it but water but I do have a betta waiting for a home and my other tank is full right now. I had no idea the tank was cracked until I took it out from storage..doh!

I might send an email to Eclipse or Marineland and see what their techs think of it..


Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006

How high up are those cracks? If they're near the top, you could always just fill the tank up to the cracks, but not beyond them...Of course, I'm guessing you would have suggested this already if this were the case.

Just out of curiosity, what are your stocking plans for the tank? Rescuing a betta from a leaking tank would be a hassle, but is certainly doable if need be.
Any other type of fish in there will definitely require a back-up tank in case this one fails though.

Either way, the advice that seastaar88 gave sounds good...Your tank should be plenty strong enough that way.

Good luck with it.
Big Vine


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
Big Vine..

The fractures/cracks are in the middle of the side pane. Unless you look closely, you wont see them. However there are dozens of them. My guess is somehow the tank got dropped or hit by something while it was in storage.

I was thinking of stocking the 3 gal with the betta, a shrimp or two, maybe a snail and some plants.

My biggest worry is that I'll come home one day and see a large pool of water on my floor...

I was wondering about the silicon thing. Is there a particular brand that is tank-safe you would recommend? Do I just smear a thin layer over the cracks? You can barely feel the cracks on the surface. I'm thinking I might be able to get away with doing nothing and hope it holds...

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006

Yes...doing nothing and hoping it holds might work out just fine.
That way you don't need to worry about introducing any sort of chemical into your tank by using any adhesives or anything like that.

Since the cracks are in the middle, the tank will probably be able to hold enough water for the fish/shrimp/snails to survive---even if the entire top half of the tank does break. The water will simply leak out the fractured part, and then stop; leaving enough in the tank for whatever is in there to survive. This would give you plenty of time to find them a new home in a hurry.

I'd just go for it! Fill the tank to the top, as you normally would, and let the good times roll! Good luck to you.

Big Vine


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
I think I'm gonna let it run for a few days and see if any leaks spring before I put anything in there.

I'll also do some research into tank friendly silicon sealants.

Other than that, I'd hate to waste an otherwise fine tank and I am kinda short on cash. If it does break, I should be able to relocate the betta and shrimps easily and 3 gallons of water shouldnt do too much damage...

thanks for the support guys!

Acrylic is very hard to crak by dropping it or something else on it, also its manufacturing processes sometimes leave imperfections in the surfaces that are not vissable until it has been exposed to the "elements" or chemicals for a while. These cracks that you see are probably only imperfection and while unsightly the acrylic is probably not any less structurally sound, especially considering it is only a 3 gal tank, not enough pressure on the sides to worry about. IMO, if your not in a position to go out and get another tank, use it. It should be fine.


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
thanks Brackman...wasnt aware of that. I've had the tank for about 1.5 years and I've never seen those cracks. I put it into basement storage for about 8 monthes and just dug it up last night. thats when I noticed the cracks/fractures.

I'm not so certain they are just imperfections because when I ran my finger over it i could feel slight grooves on the one side. I have no idea what could have caused it.

It doenst look too bad though...i think I'm just gonna use it and hope for the best.



Large Fish
May 16, 2005
Brack Man...

Ooooh I see. If they are imperfections then those Marineland did some really bad quality control cause I have easily 2-3 dozen little slashes on one side!

thanks again for the clarification!