i have had my 10 gallon nano set up for a while now. so far it has 1 banded banded coral shrimp, an emerald crab, and a snail. today i got a pink sking clown. it seemed okay... i aclimated it normally. after he was in the tank, he swam to the back of the tank, which i expected. i went to my cousins Bday party, and came home and took a nap, when my mom woke me up and said my fish was on its side in the back corner. i went in there, and the fish looked like he was struggling to stay upright. i think the flow in my tank might have been pushing him that way so i put him in a breeder net, and he seems better in there. there isnt as much flow where the net is positioned. i am getting ready to go test my water. my tank has been cycled for a very long time, and doubt its a spike in ammonia or nitrites. i'm going to retest my salinity, and test my PH and nitrates.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
whats the flow rate in the 10? I wouldnt think it would be the flow (unless it was an absurd amount) as long as he had a place to take refuge if he desired to go to a low flow area (a cave, nook, etc.)

not sure why there is a duplicate thread, sorry about that... i have a 75 gph powerhead, and a 260, and a 170 swiveling powerhead, but the 260 isnt all the way up. my nitrates are elevated... they are 60. not good for a reef or anything , but i wouldnt think it was high enough to cause effects like that. i just did a WC today before i picked up my clown. my inverts seem to be handling everything fine, and just the other day, my shrimp shed his skin no problems.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
yea 44.5 turnover rate isnt abnormally high. 60 nitrate I dont think would be able to cause that unless the instant shock of being introduced to it from 0 could have something to do with it.

If he is doing better in the breeder I would leave him in there and see how he is in the morning and throughout the day. Later in the day when you can watch him more closely I would let him go back into the tank and see what happens. If he is ok it may have been the nitrates and if he starts bowing out again it may be the flow (or maybe lack of suitable hiding spots to get out of the flow)


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2006
Syracuse, Ny
hmm try leaving him the net a couple of days... maybe he just isnt feeling well.. iv got 2 fish so far for my 10g actually one some one bought me... but they both seem very good the one hasnt found as good of a hiding place though

but i have a firefish and a Neon Goby in my 10g