well i haven't actually gotten any yet, but i need to know some basics. I plan to keep them alone in a seperate tank. Im actually just going to catch some wild ones from a lake near my neighborhood. Dont go crazy yet, i have done it before, but with the kind sold at the supermarket for eating. The wild ones are the same species as the ones you get at a supermarket. I used to keep one in CHLORINATED WATER without an air pump. I fed it lettuce and occasional fish. It lived for about 2 years, then died. I read that this is a normal span of years, not counting the time before i found it at the store. The tank i kept it i was barebottomed and had nothing in it, just a tank with water. If i try to sex a pair, how successful will i be if i dechlorinate the water but not have an air pump? And what should I put on the bottom of the tank? I was thinking mud, since if the crawfish dig holes, they will collapse if i use pebbles. I already have a dark space and plants prepared for it. I want to mimic the lake coniditions as much as possible. Why? Because until 2 years ago, there were no crawfish at all. Someone must have released some, and since then, they have been reproducing at an alarming rate. I figure if they thrive in the lake (which is very polluted), i should copy everything except the pollution. The mud will be taken from the lake and filtered to get rid of bacteria, and the plants and a little moss will also be taken from the lake. I don't expect very much success, seeing as these are wild and the ones i kept were "domesticated". Could anyone help me out??