Craziest thing you've done for your fish

May 10, 2013
I upgraded my tank to a 75 gallon because my plants in my smaller tank outgrew their space. I have this awesome green spotted puffer, P Diddy, and he is the cutest fish ever. He gets along awesome with my gouramis, platies, guppies, neons and dragonfish. He has never shown any signs of aggression and his favorite food is beef heart and snails.

So I upgraded and turned my smaller tank into a home for neons and my Betta baby with shrimp and snails (P Diddy's favorite). It took him 3 weeks and he went through my entire snail population.

Pet World and Petco have allowed me to come in and dig through their plants to get more snails so three times a week I'm there with my kids digging for the little guys. I've received some pretty weird looks, especially when my kids are comparing their snails. So my question is, what is the craziest thing you've done for your fish?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
probably all the various foods i buy to give my fish variety. probably unnecessary but every time i get a new fish species i want to get some of the better foods for that fish. for example right now I'm getting some fancy plecos and i bought a few new foods just for them. my existing plecos will still take advantage of the new food so it's all good. still i think i have way too many foods total. idk what to do with some of my FD brine shrimp. i wouldn't want to toss it. have been thinking of feeding it to a local pond - maybe the sunnies would eat the floating bits.

Feb 27, 2009
I built a snail cage to raise pond snails for my dwarf freshwater puffers out of plastic mesh. A small cube that housed 5 or 6 adult snails and some moss. The holes were too small for the adults to get out, but any babies they produced could get through if they wanted to. They would crawl out, but the puffers were waiting for them. I'd push a few small pieces of sinking pellets or algae wafers once a week.

I had an Oscar jump out of a tank while doing a water change and he got scraped up pretty bad on the floor until I could return him to the tank. He almost died from the infection on one huge scrape. I put him in a bucket and took him to a vet for treatment.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I just let my pond snails go in my tank as well as the rams horns. I've never thought about building a dedicated breeder setup for snails. but then again the only fish i have that eat snails are my loaches and they tend to ignore them lol.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Running over to a neighbor/friends house with a pantyhose containing a handful of 'dirty' aquarium gravel and a container with a dirty aquaclear filter sponge, in an attempt to help them cycle their new 20g.

Thought they were onboard with the whole process. They returned the filter sponge to me a few days later. Ugh...