crazy diy idea..


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
OK. So I was experimenting tonight, because I had a thought: what about an electricity-free filter? So, I kept on thinking and I came up with a filter that has a tube that siphons water into the tank, and then another tube that siphons it back out into the tank. Buuut there were obviously some flaws. So, I came up with a long body (i.e., soda pop bottle), with a hole on the bottom for the in-tube to go into (so it will be lower than the water level; causing water to siphon in), and the out-tube on the top with the end of the out-tube lower in the tank, causing the water to siphon out. The top will be at the same level as the aquarium. I was trying it out mini-sized in a small food container. It worked, but had size-realted issues;The water would drain too fast, it would rise too fast, etc. so hopefully tomorrow I'm going to try it out full-sized.

Here's a pic because it's hard to explain (thick black lines=tubes, purple arrows= water flow direction, large boxes as labeled.)

what do you all think? Opinions? Improvements? Too crazy?*twirlysmi

Feb 27, 2009
Yes ValRasbora, it worked. To show how well it worked, they added yellow dye to one tank, and blue in the other. It took just 20 mins or so for the tanks to be a uniform green color.

They then used the set-up to see if one filter could be put on one tank, and use the tubes to circulate the water in both tanks, keeping both tanks healthy. It worked that way too.

They then did an experiment in fish pheromones. They removed the tubes and filtered both tanks. They kept 5 oscars (just over 2 inches long each) in one tank, and a shoal of neon tetras in the other. They could not see each other as they had the sides facing each other painted black. The neons were breeding and laying eggs constantly (as they often do in a good set-up).

They added the tubes back in. To prevent any fish from getting caught in the siphon tubes, they put mesh over the ends.

The neons stopped courting each other, spent more time hiding among the rocks and plants, and breeding stopped. Nothing else had been changed.

They then removed the oscars, and put another shoal of neons in the oscars' old tank. Both sets started courting behavior and were much more relaxed, out swimming.

Then they did water changes, using 1/2 'new' water, and 1/2 water from the oscars' tank. They fish went back to hiding, breeding activity stopped.

Your idea is different in that the tubes will link it to a filter and not just an empty tank.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
/it works!!
The only problem is the tubing is rather small (all the pet store had) so it dosen't go very fast. But, I will soon fix that when I scrounge around the garage for something better.. perhaps some hosing (clean, don't worry!). I'm hoenstly really surprised that is worked. I thought science would be against me!
Total cost was... $2. This is going to be the cheapest filter ever; hopefully it'll work better with prototype II!

Feb 27, 2009
The only problem is the tubing is rather small (all the pet store had) so it dosen't go very fast.
Most 'home improvement' type stores have tubing in larger sizes. I bought 1.5 inch clear tubing for 19cents a foot a few months back. They had about 1/2 the size of aquarium airline tubing up to 2" diameter, and everything in between.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
great! I'll go scour the hardware stores.
@newman, you don't want pictures... it's hideous.! An old pop bottle with curly airline tubing? Yuck.

If this works I think I can squeeze just one more aquarium out of my dad... hehe.


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2009
Your Imagination
I considered this Idea for making a waterfall in my paludarium, but It became kind of complicated so I just gave up and bought a filter. Like what OC said, home improvement stores have all kinds of tubing, I even got a foot of tubing that was about 2 inches in diameter and the sides were one inche thick! Good luck!