OK. So I was experimenting tonight, because I had a thought: what about an electricity-free filter? So, I kept on thinking and I came up with a filter that has a tube that siphons water into the tank, and then another tube that siphons it back out into the tank. Buuut there were obviously some flaws. So, I came up with a long body (i.e., soda pop bottle), with a hole on the bottom for the in-tube to go into (so it will be lower than the water level; causing water to siphon in), and the out-tube on the top with the end of the out-tube lower in the tank, causing the water to siphon out. The top will be at the same level as the aquarium. I was trying it out mini-sized in a small food container. It worked, but had size-realted issues;The water would drain too fast, it would rise too fast, etc. so hopefully tomorrow I'm going to try it out full-sized.
Here's a pic because it's hard to explain (thick black lines=tubes, purple arrows= water flow direction, large boxes as labeled.)
what do you all think? Opinions? Improvements? Too crazy?*twirlysmi
Here's a pic because it's hard to explain (thick black lines=tubes, purple arrows= water flow direction, large boxes as labeled.)
what do you all think? Opinions? Improvements? Too crazy?*twirlysmi