Crazy fish!!!!!!


Superstar Fish
not so sure I'm digging the whole genetically altered animals thing - some people complain about new strains being bred for certain fish - but I don't see any of these people mentioning how wrong it seems to genetically alter an animal's intrinsic makeup; to create a new animal. If one allows this fish to be mass generated and sold, where do you draw the line? What if they wanted to cross a dog with glow in the dark DNA cells from a jelly fish? Would that be okay? I had to do a major 2 hour presentation on GNA altering and profiling for my first year of college and some of the stuff I found was less than appealing, i.e. a european country having supposedly successfully crossed a human and a fish, the glow in the dark monkeys, a cat/dog...etc etc. What happens if that altered fish breeds with a normal fish (assuming they haven't been rendered sterile as a result [a common occurrence in gene alterations]). I could go on about this forever, but I won't...

That said, IF they somehow found this type of fish naturally occuring, I would LOVE to have them (kind of like the deep water ocean fish that glow). Sure would be cool to see them flittering around the tank...

I doubt it's dye because it is in every part of them (i.e. their eyes), not just soaked into their scales or spinal chord (like a painted glass fish). Also, if it were dye it would fade And regardless of that, aren't there enough naturally beautiful fish that people shouldn't need to create more?

- also, like I said, I know for a fact that they have done the same thing with almost every species - genetically. I imagine this is just another one.

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Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Its lame and whoever buys them should be shot.

Lets put some glow in the dark stuff in your body and see how you feel

You want glowing colorfull fish then get mbuna cichlids and put a actinic lamp over you tank.
