mean Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher). Oh yeah it is a cichlid. On the smaller and more peaceful size. Of course no cichlid is as peaceful as other tropical fish there are a few that are on the calm size.
These are great cichlids, we just had a big spawn at my house in my brother's tank.
Commonly called a Krib, these fish grow to about 3-4" in length. They like the middle/bottem area of the tank, and will eat a variety of foods (Flakes, pellets, live foods, anything most cichlids will eat). 75-81 degrees is prefered. The male is larger, less colourful, has a pointed anal fin and has a longer tail.
Here are a few good pics of them i've found around the net -
I myself have never seen any that brilliant in color, i've seen them more like this -