critical compatibility q


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2005
Gaithersburg, MD
Hi guys,
I've set up my 57g with jack dempsey and synodontis eupterus. I did extensive aquascaping 3 days ago of which I am kind of proud, and will post the pics maybe in a month when I'm sure plants are growing (do not want bragging for nothing). I made a lot of caves and hiding places. The tank finished the cycling, all params are veyr happy (0-0-5).
The jack is still very skittish, always in hiding. Synodontis is just a fine gentleman.
I was thinking about moving my rainbow shark from 29g to this tank.
The rainbow shark is very nice and healthy and very active (I wish i had housekeeper as this one). He is getting a little big for my community tank (~3 inches), shouldering tetras and puffers, but would be extremly valuable addition for my 57g ecosystem b/c he is a true cleaning machine and looks great. I looked up in the web that he is compatible with jacks.
Still i am very anxtious to move him. Jacky is biting the cat but in very friendly manner. He never charges seriously. The cat just completely ignores him and allows himself such liberties as laying his tail on jacky's head.
I am in a hurry on the decision b/c i'm afraid that jack will acclimate fully and then nobody can come in and bother him. I won't have other place anytime in the eternity to isolate fat raibow shark.
What do you think?


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2005
Gaithersburg, MD
I put the shark into big tank, gagged jack with huge earthworm and watched.
It looked like it won't work and i returned the shark back home:
Although their lengths are almost the same, shark is narrow and spindly and jack is stocky. He looks huge comparing with shark who was so stupid that almost brushed sulking cichlid when passing by :eek: . I saw that only my presence delays imminent horrible end of shark-fool. The jack eyed him with such hate and melevolence that i lost my nerve, shooed the jack and fished the shark out. I like both of them and do not want to loose one and hold grudge for another.*thumbsups



Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
That was probably for the best. Most fish will eat anything that they can fit into there mouth's, and cichlids are no exception. While I would say that the shark would be able to hold his own in the aggresiveness dept, the jack is eventualy going to take him by sheer size and be seriously outmatched. I think you made a good call on that one.


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2005
Gaithersburg, MD
Yes, so I thought. But still I was kind of itchy to get new tank mate for the jack because I sensed that once there is new fish he will come out from his hiding and sulking. So, I went to petsmart where i saw some big oscars for a long time. The oscars actually did not take my fancy although i watched them carefully. Attendant (really young girl) came and asked me whether i need any advice. I said that i want a tankmate for my jack dempsey. After a little while she offered me a clown knife saying that if i bought a pipe, the knife will not be harmed by anybody b/c he'll stay in the pipe forever. I managed to restrain from laughing. Yee, i really need that knife... Then she offered me a pacu... After that i politely dismissed her. I checked all tanks and found kind of rough looking severums (some scales missing, some fins torn).I took 2 guys. I know that it's a little bit too much for my tank... i'll see
Actually i am so glad. They are so lovable characters! Jack is now staying in front in whole his glory. he was displeased but cannot really do anything bad.
if i knew that the severums are that funny and friendly i would see into them much earlier. also they look so unpresuming and gray and boring when in store...