curiosity questions

Apr 7, 2005
I am so into fish keeping now it isn't funny. It's been about 2 months that I have had my 20 gallon tank up and running, and I just bought a 29 gallon tank. :D

What I want to know is. I see people's signatures on here and have multiple tanks in their homes where do you have room to put all these tanks, and what size tanks do yous have?

I had to buy a 29 gallon tank because we didn't have room for the 55 gallon tank that I really wanted.

I have my 20 gallon freshwater with 6 platy and 6 zebra danios, 1 dalmatian mollie and 3 platy fry, downstairs in my basement and the 29 gallon im putting upstairs here beside my pc. I don't know what got me back into the fish thing, but I'm really into it now and thanks to all of yous on these forums I HAVE LEARNED ALOT. *twirlysmi

I'm not sure yet what i'm putting in my 29 gallon tank yet. I would kinda like to do a planted tank, but not really know nothing about it. If you have any suggestions on plants and or fish, i'm all ears. PLATIES ARE MY FAVORITE. ( I think I got another pregnant one)


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
My 37 gallon is the only tank downstairs... against a wall in the living room.
My 10 gallon is upstairs, in a semi-unused room. Right now, the 2.5 is next to it (normally it's at college with me, but it's summer now).
My 1.5 is in my bedroom, on a little cabinet.
My bettas... one is on the kitchen table, one on my dresser. They're both mobile (glass bowls), so the one on the table isn't a problem.
I used to have a second 10 gallon on the table with my other 10, but A) I upgraded to the 37, and B) the table was starting to break under the weight.

I know some members have a seperate "fish room" just for their tanks.

For your tanks, I would suggest some bottom feeders, like cories or loaches. They're a lot of fun to watch, they don't bother anyone, and they help get uneaten food off the bottom. Plus, they give some activity to the bottom.

Do you happen to have any blue platies (can't remember your signature)? They look really neat under the lights... kind of irridescent blue. Dwarf platies are cute, too... they only get to an inch or so long. I think right now you can only get the dwarfs in coral sunburst color (orange). I've got some dwarf/normal hybrid babies right now... it'll be interesting to see how big they get.

Apr 7, 2005
NE Ohio
I have one stand that is a dual stand that I have two 10 gallon tanks on, and behind my couch in my living room I actually had room for my 55 that I'm setting up. I think I'll probably even set up another one, after my 55 is done.

As for ideas for you tank, bottom feeders such as loaches as CAPS said are fun to watch. If you like platies, maybe check out a Neon Blue Marble Platy or even the Tiger Platy. They are really cool looking, and could really add some color to your tank. I also like Gourami's in a tank, but as long as they are with fish their size, and aggressiveness. I had some that were so quick to getting the food the other fish were suffereing. They are however a very active fish, and can provide many laughs when chasing each other around the tank.

If you're going to do a planted tank in the 29, you'll have to decide first if you're going to have plants that require high lighting or low lighting, as well as if you're going to inject CO2 into the tank. If you're not familiar with doing a planted tank, there is a great amount of information on this site about it, and many members have done some beautiful planted tanks with easy DIY CO2 injection. Just keep looking around, and you'll find enough information to keep you busy for hours on in.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
All my tanks are in my bedroom. Pretty much lining the walls.

55gal: African Rift lake with various africans
55gal: Discus, soon to be reformatted, i've been bitten by the African bug guys...bad ;)
29gal: Empty, soon to be african cichlids (shellies possibly?)
15gal: SW nano on desk


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2005
Visit site
My lfs owner has around 400-500 tanks in his basement...several more in his living Talk about a hobbyist!! And that isn't even his store!!

Can't say much for myself, I keep a 10g on my file cabinet in the office, another on a night stand also in the office, bowls I move around at my whim, and stands for larger tanks. I actually got rid of furniture to accomodate the tanks...haha....nixed two coffee tables and two stuffed chairs, made more than enough room for the important stuff!!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I have the 46 in my bedroom, the 29 and 15 in my office and then the 5G on the counter in the kitchen. We added another couch to the living room, but at the other house we had the 29 in the living room next to the TV (nothing on TV? watch the tank!) My roommate has a little 2 on her nightstand next to her bed and then a 10G on a table next to her couch upstairs, and then following the tv theme she has a 15 next to her TV on a stand.

I think usually the tanks factor in as pieces of if the 29 is a living room furniture piece...when you're planning your room you just think of that tank as another piece :)


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2004
All of my tanks are in my bedroom. The 50 gallon, the 20 gallon and a 10 gallon are on the same wall (the 20 and 10 are on a double stand), and a 10 gallon is my "bedside table". :D But soon I will be getting rid of the bedside tank will be removed:(

Apr 7, 2005
Thanks for all of you sharing where and how. I will have to try and talk hubby into yet another tank after the 29. I would like to have a Chichlid tank as well, there are some really pretty ones out there.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
My 29gallon tank is in the dining room, as it should be viewable when eating like in the finest of Chinese restaraunts. My 20gallon is setting "end-table-style" beside the sofa, acting as a mini room divider. The 5gallon QT sits under the 29gallon. The 10gallon is on the desk in the den, and the 45gallon is hiding in storage because I haven't told my wife that we have it yet....

She said "No more tanks", but I know she meant no more tanks you pay for, the 45 was free.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
I think many of us initially go through the "many small tanks" stage, then as we progress in the hobby, we consolidate and have fewer large tanks, and then if we are really lucky we have many small tanks again in a fish room and a few large tanks in the main part of the house.

Check out this link where all of us shared how many tanks we have:

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Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Don't worry cman...he's just thinking about consolidating some tanks, not getting out of the hobby or anything. ;) He mentioned it earlier and I had the same reaction...asked him if he had a fever.


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
I have a 120ltr in my bedroom along with my betta tank. Another 120 in the dining room,cause as Delta said its nice to see fish as you eat (Its not nice however when you drunken mates try to feed your fish "chicken fried rice" at half 3 in the morning!!!!) I have a shrimp tank in the sitting room.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
LOL, wow you would have thought that I said I was leaving and never coming back or something!

Froggys right, just tring to cut back on some of the smaller tanks. Probably totaly get rid of the brichardi if I can find someone to take them, and a few others as well. Still pondering all my options. I hate to give up anything that I don't want too, but I keep hearing this voice in the back of my head. Something about a Jeep, rocks and mud. Still tring to figure that out. ;) (Having the exahust pipes on my truck shortened as we speak to allow for more 'play room')

Man I have got the fever again. Bad.