
May 30, 2011
I currently have 2 flame gouramis,2 mickey mouse platys and a goldfish in my 14 gallon tank. Its planted and has multple hiding spots for the fish with some more live plants growing. Ive been wanting to add some bottom dwellers and was curious if I should go with emerald cory catfish or albino cory catfish? Ive read that they would be a perfect fit for my 14 g tank.

( I plan on taking the goldfish out of the tank soon, just taking care of it for my sis because she accidently broke its old tank )


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
Welcome, Jake!

Emeralds and Albinos -as far as care goes- are quite alike. Emerald cories aren't actually corydoras. They're a species of brochis I believe. So, whichever you prefer. I would choose whichever contrasts better with my substrate. And, be sure they get enough to eat. All too often the leftover flakes aren't enough. Algae wafers & shrimp pellets are popular for cories.
Also, do you know what sex your platies are? Platy - Tropical Fish Forums

Also, tell your sister your goldfish needs 20 gallons. With a big filter. They are messy fish, and without this they can become stunted and die prematurely. Or, ammonia can- and will- build up and cause ammonia burns or even disease and death.
And make sure to cycle the new tank!
Tips for Cycling Your New Aquarium - The First Tank Guide - Getting Your Fish Tank Up and Running with Minimal Headaches

Sorry if that was a bit overwhelming! Just makin' sure you're well-informed ;)