Custom 10 gal extra long/ shallow tank?


Large Fish
Mar 28, 2005
Bay Area, CA
anyone know of any company that sells an extra wide ( 24" or 30"L ) and shallow 10 gal tank? Would like to house some bettas in something larger then the 2.5 or 4 gal divider tanks (craming 3-4 bettas :eek: ) currently being offered in most chain and LFS's. I don't want the height or width of a traditional 20 long, just something short and long.

Anyone know of a place?


Large Fish
Mar 28, 2005
Bay Area, CA
seastaar88 said:
...and you don't want to go DIY, right? i don't know of anywhere off chance.
think i'm probably going to have to. :D

Closest thing i coud find is a 14 gal vivarium with some extra width.

looks like this but smaller...

The pet store wanted $100 for just the tank. *thumbsdow *twirlysmi

Another store told me I could give them what ever demensions I wanted and they could give me a quote on the cost to make it in acrylic. I'm guessing it will probably be just as expensive. :eek:


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
You could always get a larger tank and only fill it halfway with water. Maybe a 20g long or extra-long would work. I'm thinking it will be cheaper that way. The other option is perhaps some kind of reptile tank, I believe the smaller ones should be strong enough to hold water.


Large Fish
Mar 28, 2005
Bay Area, CA
I already tried a 20 long tank but its going to be too wide (front to back). I think that the only way to get the tank i want is to have it custom made because its going to end up being such an odd shaped tank. Probably only suitable for housing bettas. :eek:

thinking i'm just going to give in and find some way to make the 20 long work since i already have it. :D Thanks for all the suggestions. Keep them coming since I'm not setting it up just yet. *thumbsup2

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Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
Visit site
I don't know where you can find one, but I can tell you about the one I had for a while.

It was a 17 gallon LONG, measurements: 28" x 12" x 12". Basically the footprint of a 29 gallon, but 1/2 the height.

I made 5 home-made acrylic dividers, using plexiglass, a jigsaw and a 3/16" variable-speed drill. I measured, then cut a cardboard template first to make it fit around the sides, botton and within 3/16" of the hood/cover. I then traced the template, cut the 5 plexiglass sheets with the jig-saw, then drilled about 100 @ 3/16" holes in them (clamped together to make it even and faster).

I made the dividers friction-fit, so that the tops were tight against the bottom of the top tank trim. I just tilted them in and out at an angle. I made-up 6 divided spaces (about 2.8 gallons each). Put rocks and live plants to make it look more natural. (I would use sand next time with some driftwood and java moss)

I put a heater on one end, and a submersible powerhead with quick filter in the other end. I then ran some PVC tubing from the powerhead outlet, up into the feeder slot of the hood, and over to the opposite end of the tank. That way, the water would pump from one end to the other, and draw the heat accross all the cambers in a slow, continuous fashion.

It worked REALLY well. However, because I was breeding and always changing fish, when one got sick, they ALL got sick. So, I changed back to big bowls with lids.

So... some tips from a guy who's done it.

1) Make sure the dividers go all the way up to the top of the hood and no gaps. These guys are jumpers and will go after each other by jumping over any gaps in the dividers.

2) If you can, maybe add a UV sterilizer lamp to the tubing to help keep it cleaner.

3) Make your own divider and take your time drilling the wholes. Plexi-glass cracks easily if you force the drill or jig-saw to fast.

Hope this helps.


Large Fish
Mar 28, 2005
Bay Area, CA
Nice! thats exactly the setup I was thinking of except with only 2 dividers to house a total of 3 bettas. As for the filtration I was thinking of doing the same thing, but running the output through the dividers (making a spraybar) and running another pipe off the powerhead intake through the dividers with an individual prefilter sponge for each compartment attached to it.

As for the tank i was looking for something a little thinner like 8-9" width (front to back). Might be going this week to get a quote on making an acrylic tank in the size i want. Just curious on the price, but I'm guessing the price is going to be more then i would want to pay to pull this off. :)

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Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
Visit site
Go to a local glass store and ask for any 6mm 'off-cuts' or 'end-cuts' they might be willing to part with. You will be surprised to find them really cheap or even sometimes free!

Get a tube some 100% silicone for aquariums (most LFS) and a glass cutter and gloves from your hardware store. You can make your own tank using glass pretty easily this way. Just use either wood or some plastic edging for the botton and top to make it look prettier.

Just a suggestion. It would be a fun project either way.


Large Fish
Mar 28, 2005
Bay Area, CA
Thanks for all the suggestions! *PEACE!* But i think i'm going through more trouble then its worth. The reason i want a thinner tank is to put in a small bedroom thats a little cramped to walk around in. I wanted it to be just 10 gal so i could but it on a set of drawers already in the room that i wouldn't feel comfortable putting a heavier (full) tank on.

I think I'm just going to move around the bed and all the furnature to make the 20 gal fit. I figure since i already have the 20 long tank, i could spend the money i would have spent for the new tank on a decent stand.

Will update with a pic once i have everything figured out. :D


Here's a quick outline of what i want to do with this tank for filtration.

One pump

two pumps

What do you think, one pump or two? Not sure how effective the sponges would be with only one powerhead running three 1/2" inlets. Think that two smaller powerheads would be a little more effective then one big one. Suggestions?

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Large Fish
Mar 28, 2005
Bay Area, CA
Ok i think I'm going to just run one pump, since i've been told that running two pumps against eachother isn't the greatest setup. So, this is another idea i was thinking about. I would run the output as UGJ's and the main intake pipe would also be buried in substrate with only the sponges showing (easily hidden when planted). Here's another quik pic i drew up.... what do you think?

Intake runs along the back of the tank, the out put nozzles will be pointed to the back of the tank and camoufladged with whatever substrate i end up using.

LOL, i love setting up a new tank! So many possibilities!!

any other ideas... comments? *BOUNCINGS


Large Fish
Mar 28, 2005
Bay Area, CA
Well i finally found a place that sells the type of tank i was originally looking for.

THe first couple tanks at the top of the list. Same footprint of the tank listed but height is cut in half.
Here's the link for those that would be interested in these tanks. I think the 5 gal (20X10) or the 7.5 gal (24X12.5) wide tanks would be perfect to house a betta or two (divider).

pic of the 7.5 gal wide tank... listed as 1/2 - 15 on the list.

Already made room for the 20 long and have plans on a nice stand for it so i can't really take advantage of this new found resource. :p May be in the future.