Cute but a little Concerning

Jun 20, 2010
In my Fluval, which is stocked with 6 guppies (one of which is a fry), and 1 sunrise gourami. Recently all of my guppies have been laying together in the corner. I think its kinda cute but I'm just wondering if there may be a reason they are doing this and whether I should be concerned.


Jun 18, 2010
Lima OH. USA
Water parameters are fine, this is my girlfriend lol there is no heater, but the tank stays right around 76 as the halogen lights heat the water decently, this is a fluval edge btw, we do 25% water changes 2-3 times a week, could be temperature gradient, all of the fish are eating well and will swim around most of the time, nobody looks off or anything they just seem to enjoy chilling there, or so it would seem