Tank Specs
Here are my tank specs.
45 gal
Lighting: 2 48" 6500k 40w ultra daylight flo tubes and 2 48" 5000k 40w wide spectrum flo tubes. On for12 hours a day.
Filters: Emporer 400 using standard filter refills and in one of the refilable media inserts I use carbon and the other I use Zeolite. I have a 126gph power head with filter feeding a 9 watt UV Sterilizer that I run every other week or when I need it.
Heater: 200 watt Ebo-Jager. Tank is a nice 76 degree's.
Substrate: 70lbs of medium grit sand blasting sand.
Water additives: Seachem Prime, Stress Coat, Aquirium Salt 1tbls per 5gal of water. PH stay between 6.8 and 7.2.
I do a 30 percent water change every week.
Ferts: All SeaChem products. Flourish, Potassium, Iron, Excel, & Trace elements.
Decor: 12lbs of driftwood and river rock.
Plants: 15 or 20 Amazon Swords, Hygro, Bacopa, 3 Aponogeton Crispus, 1 Red Tiger Lotus, 2 Banana Plants, & something I don't remember the name of.
Fish: 1 Brushy nose Pl*co, 1 Pictus Catfish, 1 Golden Algae Eater, 1 Male Beta, 1 Female Beta, 4 Rosy Barbs, 4 Clown Loaches, 2 Blue Gouramis, 1 Austrailian Rainbow fish, 10 Neons, 1 Platy, 2 Danio's, 2 Hatchet fish, 2 Black Skirt Tetras, 1 Pristilla Tetra, 1 Headlight Tetra, & 1 Brown African Ghostknife.
This is whats up and running now I have had to move twice in a month so I gave all my Livebeares away, there must have been 100 or more of them. So I kept these fish and just set up the 45gal. My 55 was cracked during the first of the 2 moves so I kinda had to get rid of some fish.
My Plants a recovering from the 2 moves in 1 month so I will post pics in a few weeks when they recover. All in all the 45 is at my sisters house and can stay for a while so it should be in tip top shape again soon.
I love my fish!!!!